You Want To Do What?

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Jade had gotten an appointment at the tattoo parlor a few days back, she was no stranger to tattoos, being with Randy Orton for 7 years, you tend to get a tattoo or two

So she was laying on Dean's chest when he finally realized her wrist was still taped up, she smiled slightly

"It's a new tattoo," she replied and she looked at the clock

"Your in luck, I can finally take off the tape, c'mon," she said getting up and heading to the bathroom to get some scissors

She stood up near the sink and chuckled when Dean hugged her from behind and interested eyes played precise moves as she tore off the protective tape and smiled as Dean gasped

She stood up near the sink and chuckled when Dean hugged her from behind and interested eyes played precise moves as she tore off the protective tape and smiled as Dean gasped

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"Oh my god," he whispered as he carefully traced over it

"It's beautiful cupcake," he told her kissing the side of her neck

"Did you ever get a tattoo for Randy?" He asked

Jade playfully rolled her eyes

"Yeah, it's gone now though, it was RKO on the tip of this finger," she said showing Dean her clear ring finger

Dean nodded

"So you liked Randy's tattoos?" Dean said keeping his gaze in her lap and playing with Jade's fingers

"Yeah, they were pretty cool I guess," Jade shrugged

Dean was quiet just drawing random shapes on her hand before he looked at her

"I wanna get a tattoo," he said

Jade froze before she shook her head

"You want to do what?!" Jade said making Dean jump slightly

Then she softened her tone and cupped Dean's cheek

"Baby, just because I liked Randy's tattoos doesn't mean you need to change yourself for me, I love you just as you are," she said
Dean looked at her

"Its not only for you, I've been entertaining the thought for alot of time," Dean replied

Jade sighed

"Are you sure love?" She asked

Dean hesitated then nodded

"Yeah cupcake," he said

"I'm sure," he said nodding

Jade smiled lightly

"Okay, if you're sure, we'll get one tomorrow," she said smiling and kissing his head

Dean hesitated

"Will you come with me?" He asked not making eye contact

Jade tilted his head to meet hers and gave him a kiss

"Of course," she said smiling at him


-Next Day-

Jade and Dean walked into the tattoo parlor smiling

"Hey Zen," she said hugging the owner who was a close personal friend

"J," he replied then turned to Dean

"Sup man, I'm Zen Brooks," he said putting out his hand

"Dean Ambrose," he said taking the hand offered

"Nice to meet you man," Zen said

"So Jade, here to get another one?" He asked

Jade shook her head

"Actually my boyfriend here, is wanting one," she said

Zen nodded

"Okay, this way," he said guiding them both to the back room

"So do you know what you want or do you need the beginners book?" Zen joked

Dean smiled

"Nah, nah, I know what I want," Dean said then whispered it into his ear as it was a surprise for Jade

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"Nah, nah, I know what I want," Dean said then whispered it into his ear as it was a surprise for Jade

Zen prepared the skin and Dean held Jade's hand as the needle began piercing his skin

-2 Hours Later-

They were finished with Dean's tattoo and it was banded up and they were home

He had 5 hours until he could take off the wrist tape

Jade made dinner in the mean time and made coffee and they went to sit on the balcony, they had been laughing and making small talk until the 5 hour mark passed straight, Jade finally noticed this and smiled as she begged him to take off the tape

He smiled as he did and he showed her

He smiled as he did and he showed her

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Jade grinned as she watched it

"This is you." Dean said pointing to the cupcake smiling

"And this is the emotion I feel whenever you're around," he said pointing at where "love" was
"This vein," he paused showing the vein where the cupcake was lying

"This vein is the major lifeline of any one, and that's why you're sitting there," he said smiling

Jade smiled with tears in her eyes and kissed Dean sweetly

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