It's Okay To Cry

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"She what?" Jade asked the man on the phone

"I can't believe this, okay thank you for calling, okay, bye bye now," she said hanging up

How was she supposed to tell Dean? He was so proud of her...and now this?! She sighed and raked a hand through her hair

"Dean!" Jade called running up the stairs

She didn't know how Dean was gonna react when he heard this

She raced into the room and saw Dean putting on his jacket

"Yes gorgeous?" He asked turning around

"I um, I don't know how you're gonna react to this but, I just got a call from the rehab centre, your mom had a relapse," she said sadly

Dean was quiet for a long time before he brokenly sobbed

"This is why I don't allow her in my life anymore, she constantly says she's okay and wants to be back in my life, then she pulls some shit like this!" Dean angrily yelled

Jade looked at him sadly

"And dumbass me, believes her and gets his heartbroken every single time," he said softly, wiping a tear

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"And dumbass me, believes her and gets his heartbroken every single time," he said softly, wiping a tear

"And then she's gonna keep hurting me because she's my mom and I want to believe her but I always regret it," Dean cried Jade felt tears brim in her eyes at the sight of his tears

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"And then she's gonna keep hurting me because she's my mom and I want to believe her but I always regret it," Dean cried
Jade felt tears brim in her eyes at the sight of his tears

"She makes it so difficult for me Jade, I shouldn't care after all she put me through but she's my mom and I know, even if I don't want to, I'll always care about her," Dean said, furiously wiping his tears as they poured down his face

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"She makes it so difficult for me Jade, I shouldn't care after all she put me through but she's my mom and I know, even if I don't want to, I'll always care about her," Dean said, furiously wiping his tears as they poured down his face

She grabbed his hands, stopping him

"Stop baby, don't scrub the skin off," she said, bringing his head to her neck and her heart broke as his body racked in her arms and she felt wetness on her neck and shoulder

"It's all gonna be okay baby, it's gonna be alright, breathe okay," she said, doing her best to calm down her crying husband

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