Stone Cold Meets DJ

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Today Dean was set to appear on the stone cold podcast so Jade decided to go with him

So they all got in the van and drove from the hotel to the studio

Jade and DJ stood there, behind the camera man smiling at Dean

"So Dean, you're first WWE Champion win is the one I want to talk about," Steve said

"You won the title at No Mercy, against your now father in law, how was that experience for you?" Steve asked

"Mind blowing man, it's like I prided myself on winning the belt from a vet like Triple H," Dean said

"When I heard I was facing Triple H at No Mercy, everything slowed down, and just-" Dean paused and made a mind blowing motion

"When I heard I was facing Triple H at No Mercy, everything slowed down, and just-" Dean paused and made a mind blowing motion

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"Mind blowing," Dean finished

"And it was a really good match, you and H tore the roof of the place," Steve commented

"Thank you" Dean said, leaning back

"Now that you and former buddy Seth Rollins reunited recently, not only did you reunite, you won the RAW tag team championships while you're carrying the World Heavyweight on your shoulder, that has to make you a proud man," Steve commented

"I mean, my partner is someone I know, so it only makes sense that we work really well together, and there's a trust there. Where there's like a one up contest so we always just do a move and it's like 'Hey, top that!' I think that's what makes us good champions," Dean replied nodding slowly

 Where there's like a one up contest so we always just do a move and it's like 'Hey, top that!' I think that's what makes us good champions," Dean replied nodding slowly

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"And now people are asking where does Roman Reigns fit into the fray?"

"Well, uh, I guess Seth and I would love to have a shield reunion but you know the universe ain't always peaches and cream you know? Roman's doing his own thing, and we're doing ours," Dean replied

"I want to delve a little more personal with you. You've always showed your tough past by your brawling skills, so what exactly happened?" Steve asked

"Mom was a druggie, never met my dad, mom left, tried hard to protect my little sister, she committed suicide, discovered wrestling, saved my life. Not even gonna get into the beatings or bullying cuz if that isn't enough." Dean said

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