Her New Key

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Jade stood backstage as Jade, not Huntress, ready to go out and address Brock Lesnar's speculation that Jade was indeed the Huntress

She was playing with her hair when Seth came up to her

"Hey love," she said giving him a brief hug and smile which he returned

"Hey, heard Dean's got a surprise for you." He said with a sly smirk
"Oh yeah?" Jade asked tilting her head

"Yup," Seth said but before she could ask, Seth walked off, whistling

What else was gonna happen?

Her music hit just as Dean walked up

"Dammit," he cursed before he kissed her cheek and she walked out with a smile

After, more than once explaining why she chose to get in the ring and Brock coming out and demanding a match with her and her refusing, she walked back stage and ran straight into Dean

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After, more than once explaining why she chose to get in the ring and Brock coming out and demanding a match with her and her refusing, she walked back stage and ran straight into Dean

"Hi baby," she said pecking his lips

He hummed and smiled

"How much do you trust me?" He asked she questioningly tilted her head

"Alot, with my own life," she replied

"And how much do you love me?" He then asked

"My heart beats for you." She replied

Dean grinned and took a deep breath

"I've really never met anyone like you, I feel like I can't breathe when your not around me, so, since I kind of need you around 24/7 and its hard for you to come down to my new place in Nevada and its hard for me to always be in Connecticut, let's make it easier, I love you Jade and...I want you to move in with me. So Jade Helmsley, will you make me a happier man, and move in with me?" He asked showing her two keys on a heart shaped key ring

She stared at it for a long while until Dean began getting worried
"Jade?" He asked waving a hand in her face

"Baby? Helloo" he said smiling

She shook her head and jumped on Dean

"Yes baby, of course I'll move in with you, I love you so much," she said kissing him as he smiled and spun her in his arms

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