I Don't Like You

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Jade stood watching the Smackdown monitor near the guerilla position.

Smackdown was by far her favourite show to run

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Smackdown was by far her favourite show to run

"Sweetheart," her dad called

Jade turned around

"Yes?" She asked

"Dean's asking for you. You have that segment pretty soon." He replied

Jade rolled her eyes and walked down the corridor to her office which the segment was to take place in

She stood and pretended she was speaking on the phone

She looked up when the door opened and she cut the "call"

"What can I do for you Mr. Ambrose?" She asked sitting on her desk, he smirked

"Well I figured since we're all alone," he began

"I'm sorry baby, I have work to do." She replied trying hard not to cringe

She grabbed him by his leather jacket lapels and pulled him closer

"But if you win your match tonight," she paused smiling

He smirked

"Done." He said and pecked her lips before he walked out

As she walked out of the office, Dean was leaning against the wall and as he saw her walk out of the office, he ran after her

"So cupcake, I was thinking dinner later, me and you." He proposed

She stopped walking and turned to him

"I don't know if you haven't noticed Mr. Ambrose, but I don't particularly like you, so I suggest we keep this strictly professional." She said, pulled down her top a bit and walked off

Dean sighed and sat on a nearby crate rubbing his hands over his face

"Hey bud, what's up?" Seth asked as he and Roman walked up to Dean

"It's just," he paused and Seth and Roman glanced at each other
"It's Jade isn't it?" They both asked

Dean looked up shocked before he masked it

"That obvious huh?" He asked

"Yeah," Seth replied

"So what happened?" Roman asked

So Dean went into detailed description about what transpired a few minutes prior

And when he was finished, he was frazzled, he raked his hand through his hair and sighed

Seth and Roman looked at each other and smirked

"We got a plan," they said in sync

Dean smiled

"Is it gonna work?"

"Oh yeah," in sync again

"Okay stop, that's freaky," Dean said

"We know," they said

Dean looked at both of them

"So stop," Dean said obviously

"We can't,"

Dean just shook his head and smiled fondly

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