Someone Like You

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Jade looked out the window when she saw DJ in the backyard, playing with Bully, Dean was in the gym downstairs and she was in her home office working on some last minute pay sheets

She smiled as her eyes went down to the picture on her desk and she grinned widely

She smiled as her eyes went down to the picture on her desk and she grinned widely

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She touched his face and smiled, god he was beautiful.

She put the pen down and picked up the picture, looking down at it

"Never thought I'd find someone like you," she said, smiling

Dean was everything she'd ever wanted and more, he was sweet and sensitive when he needed to be. He was a good man, seeing the truth in everyone. He was forgiving and precious, strong and strong willed. He had a smile that could end wars. And he was insecure about himself when he shouldn't have been. But she loved his insecurities, because it gave her a chance to remind him of how beautiful he really was.

She loved how he could talk about one topic for hours and it would never get boring. She loved how he was with DJ and she loved that he'd do anything to make her happy

This man, deserved the world and the moon and the stars, he deserved everything good. He was such a beautiful person. And she prayed she'd get to remind him of that every single day

Jade put the picture back down after bringing it to her lips, and closed her laptop, going downstairs to call DJ in for lunch

"Lovie, lunch," she said, opening the door as both Bully and DJ ran in, she shook her head fondly and called for Dean, he called a reply and she heard his footsteps coming up

She smiled as he stood in front of the stairs

"Damn," she whispered as she walked up to give him a kiss, he smiled when she pulled away

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"Damn," she whispered as she walked up to give him a kiss, he smiled when she pulled away

"I'm going upstairs to shower babe, I'll be down soon," he said, kissing her forehead and running up the stairs

She walked into the kitchen where DJ was eating spaghetti and meatballs

Jade smiled and threw some dog food into Bully's bowl and she began washing dishes

"Mommy," she heard DJ's little voice call

"Yes sweetheart?" Jade replied, washing a cup

"When are you and daddy gonna bring home my brother?" She asked innocently

Jade's eyes widened and she accidentally dropped the glass into the sink, making a loud noise

"Umm, babe, why did you ask that?" Jade asked, turning around to look at her daughter

"Well, I was on my bed and I saw a wishing star and I wished for a brother, so I was wondering when he'd be here." DJ replied, Jade smiled and bit her lip at her daughter's cuteness

"I'll talk to dad about it, okay baby?" Jade asked, ruffling DJ's hair, she giggled and nodded, going back to her spaghetti

Jade huffed and looked as Dean came back down and sat next to DJ as he began to eat

Later that night, Jade was laying on Dean's chest with his arm around her waist and his other arm was bent behind his head, breathing calmly

"Deano," Jade called

"Hmm?" Dean replied, not looking down just yet

"Babe," Jade said, raising herself up, making Dean prop up on his elbows concerned

"DJ wants a baby brother," Jade said, smiling

Dean smiled at her

"Really?" He asked, chuckling

Jade nodded

"But we're away from her so much as it is. What's gonna happen when there's two kids and we're away more?" She said, Dean sighed and nodded

"Yeah, I know." He replied

"We'll talk about it tomorrow," she said, laying back down on his chest, sighing and she was sure both of their minds were stirring

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