My Baby's Sick

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Jade woke up to what she considered a lung destroying cough, her eyes snapped open and she looked around, seeing Dean shivering on the bed, even through he had on sweatpants and a thermal and the thick blanket around him 

"Baby?" she questioned, throwing off her side of the blanket and getting up, going over to his side

"Are you okay babe?" she asked, cautiously putting her hand on his forehead just as he wheezed another cough, when the cough ripped from his throat, it sounded painful 

"Mommy?" she heard a voice call and she turned around with a smile as she saw DJ stood at the door rubbing one eye and dragging her stuffed bunny behind her 

"Sweetie, go back to sleep, daddy's a little unwell, don't worry," Jade promised, feeling a little shove as Dean ran to the bathroom and Jade cringed hearing him emptying his stomach 

"C'mere," she said, picking up DJ and walking her back to her room, putting her to lay down, it was only 6 in the morning so when DJ's eyes closed, she wasn't surprised, she went back to her bedroom just in time to hear the toilet flush, meaning Dean was done throwing up, she heard him groan and she walked into the bathroom, seeing him open the faucet to wet his toothbrush

She went over and tentatively rested her head on his now bare back and she frowned deeply, feeling the warmth emanating from his skin, she sadly wrapped her arms around his waist and watched him smile around the toothbrush and spit, rinsing his mouth 

She let go as he swayed, she quickly held him up and helped him back to the bed and propped him up 

He looked up through lidded eyes and she almost cooed as she saw a little pout on his lips and the tip of his nose was red, he looked so cute 

"Stay right here, I'm gonna get some medicine," she informed him 

"No." he said, folding his arms and turning his head up, she sighed, Dean was stubborn enough when he wasn't sick, now that he was, he was like a little toddler who refused to go to sleep, she huffed and leaned down in front of him 

"Dean, I'm bringing the medicine. You're gonna take it, with no complaints. Understand?" she said, though by the tone of her voice, it wasn't a question, Dean nodded, none to happy 

Jade smiled and went downstairs, putting a pot of water to boil to make some chicken soup for him, getting some cold and flu syrup, she grabbed a spoon and went back upstairs, going into her bedroom, Dean's lips instantly screwed shut in defiance as he saw her walk in 

"Dean," she warned, he looked at her and shook his head

"I'll make you cookies." she bribed and Dean immediately opened his mouth and she quickly put the medicine in his mouth, handing him a glass of water, he screwed up his face, cutely as he took in the bitter taste  

"I'll bring up some soup and then make the cookies okay?" she said, smiling fondly as his nose scrunched up and then he sneezed

She cooed and petted his head, leaning down to kiss his nose, then she left to go make the soup, after half an hour, she had finished the soup and kneaded the cookie dough, leaving it to raise, going up to give Dean his soup 

She sat down next to him and put the tray on her lap, she dug the spoon into the bowl and raised it to her mouth, blowing it and then holding it to Dean's lips as he took the spoon in his mouth and chewed, swallowing, she had cut up the chicken in miniscule pieces so it wouldn't be too heavy 

"I love you," Jade said, smiling as she spooned up some more and blew it, holding it to him 

"I love you more, I am sure of it too, I mean, why wouldn't I? You feed me." Dean said smiling as he took the soup

Jade fondly shook her head and Dean finished up the soup, and she went to get him a cooler shirt to wear 

When she got back out, she already noticed how brighter Dean looked, his blue eyes weren't as cloudy, his skin didn't look so pale anymore but his fever was still there

She helped him pull his shirt over his head and change into the one she brought him 

"Sleep now baby, when you get up the cookies will be ready," she promised, Dean smiled and cuddled with Jade's pillow, Jade smiled and kissed his forehead moving the stray curls that always managed to end up there 

She left him, hearing light snores before she even closed the door, she smiled and shook her head, going downstairs to start on the cookies she had promised him

"DJ, princess be quiet, daddy's asleep," Jade reminded 

"Yes mommy," DJ said, sitting quietly in front the TV, watching Spongebob 

Jade got done with the cookies, putting them in the oven, going over to watch TV and snuggle with her daughter, until the cookies were done 

The oven dinged 10 minutes later, Jade got up and took them out, readying two glasses of chocolate milk and some warm cocoa for Dean, with 3 tiny marshmellows since she wasn't allowing him to have anything cold until he was better 

Jade had just plated some cookies for herself and DJ, when Dean trudged down the stairs, rubbing his eyes 

"The smell of cookies woke me up," he said smiling at Jade who had DJ sat on the counter, feeding her a cookie 

"Good to know," she chuckled, putting 10 cookies on a plate for Dean and pouring his hot cocoa into a mug, adding the marshmellows 

Then, he, Jade and DJ went to the couch to watch the re-run of Spongebob DJ had been dying to see 

"Daddy feel better?" DJ asked, playing with her mommy's necklace

"Yes sweetie, I'm feeling better, mommy is such a good nurse," Dean said, pecking Jade's lips 

"Well," she shrugged

"My baby's sick," she replied

"It's my duty as a wife," she paused, booping Dean's nose 

"Or as a mom," she said, poking DJ's 

"To take care of you two," she said finishing and smiling at them 

"Well DJ, kisses for your mom!" Dean yelled before Jade was buried under Dean's and DJ's weight and kisses were planted all over her face as she giggled 

Yup, her family was her greatest achievement.

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