Daddy Issues

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Jade sighed as everyone was in the ring, her, her mom and her dad

"And suddenly Dean Ambrose thinks that he'd get my daughter on his side,newsflash Deano, she was my daughter before you even met her. Therefore-" he didn't get to finish

Jade smirked as her dad, held her wrist

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Jade smirked as her dad, held her wrist

"Oh really boss man?" Dean began as he stood in the ring with them then he smiled

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"Oh really boss man?" Dean began as he stood in the ring with them then he smiled

"Sup babe," he said, winking at Jade making her blush and smile

Her dad growled

"Look Ambrose, you need to stay away from my daughter. At least until No Mercy because she needs to be in my corner not yours." Triple H said

" Triple H said

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Dean laughed

"You can't tell her what to do anymore. She's a grown ass woman and you can't keep her away from what's hers." He said gesturing to himself with a smirk
"Jade," her dad said as he turned to her

"Tell us whose corner you're gonna be in come No Mercy." Her dad demanded

Jade smirked

"Next Raw. I'll reveal whose corner I'm gonna be in and trust me, the answer might surprise you," Jade said, smirking as she threw down the mic, winked at Dean as she walked out of the ring, feeling Dean's eyes on her and her dad's calls following her

She smirked as she walked backstage to meet her mom for another promo

"Mom," she knocked entering

"Hey Jade, what's up?" She asked, beckoning Jade to sit

She obeyed and sat down with her mom

"Do you remember having to choose between your dad and Triple H, my dad?" I asked her, her face changed

"Do you remember having to choose between your dad and Triple H, my dad?" I asked her, her face changed

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"It's the same thing, I want to be in Dean's corner." She told her mom

"Babe, times have changed. You're dad doesn't understand the love you and Dean share is just like ours back in the day. It's hard I know, but to avoid an unneeded fight, could you please be in your dad's corner?" Stephanie asked

Jade made an understanding face
"I'll think about it, I gotta go," she said walking out

Stephanie took a deep breath as the footage cut then Triple H walked into the office followed by Dean and Jade

"So what time are you guys coming over for lunch tomorrow?" Jade asked sitting as close to Dean as possible

Her parents would be in Las Vegas tomorrow, so Dean asked them over for lunch which made Jade so happy

"Does 10 work?" Her dad asked, looking at his phone

"Yeah 10 works," she replied looking at Dean who nodded

"Great." Stephanie replied as they all got comfortable and began making small talk

Jade felt Dean press a kiss to the side of her neck, she looked up from where she was cuddled into his side, to see the sweet smile on his lips as he rubbed her shoulder

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