Talking To 'Mom'

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Jade made sure Vaughn was eating the spaghetti and meatballs she had just made and drinking the apple juice before she picked up the phone and dialed an unfamiliar number 

3 rings and then her voice invaded the phone 

"Yes Jade?" 

Jade sighed hard and rolled her eyes before she swallowed 

"Stephanie, my hotel room, I got your daughter." she said 

"Oh thank god, I was so worried, I'll be right there sweetie," she said before the line cut 

Jade pulled the phone from her ear and looked at it like it had bit her 

Did Stephanie just call her sweetie? What's Stephanie been smoking? 

Jade sighed as she watched as Vaughn slept on the sofa. 

Then there were 3 soft but steady knocks against the front door and Jade sighed and walked towards the door seeing Stephanie there looking exhausted 

Jade invited her in and she walked past her and pointed at the sofa where her little sister slept 

"Want anything to drink?" Jade asked already walking to the kitchen 

"Tea would be nice, thanks sweetie," Stephanie replied 

There was that 'sweetie' again

Jade went into the kitchen to start on Stephanie's tea. When she was finished, she walked into the living room only seeing a sleeping Vaughn and as she turned her head, she saw Stephanie sitting on the lanai watching the moon. Jade sighed and carried the mug towards the terrace 

"Thank you," Stephanie said as Jade handed her the mug, Jade nodded and sat down near her 

A few seconds of silence passed before Jade heard quiet sniffling and she turned shocked at Stephanie 

"Steph?" Jade asked worriedly rubbing her back 

Stephanie looked at her, tears in her blue eyes 

"Why do you hate me?" Stephanie asked, voice cracking 

Jade's heart broke 

"Steph, no, I don't hate you, I never did, it's just-" she paused, worried if she should say something she wasn't supposed to

Stephanie's eyes widened as she leaned closer 

Jade saw this and sighed 

"It's just that, I've always kinda blamed you for my not having a dad," she revealed sighing 

Stephanie nodded 

"Tell me all about it, I'm here to listen, I can't live like this, tell me about it." Stephanie said

"Well, when I was born. My dad wasn't there, my mom died during birth and I was immediately shipped to my grandma, I hated your husband for what he did. He never cared about me." Jade explained

Stephanie shook her head but kept her mouth shut, deciding to just listen

"And I mean, I kinda blamed you, cuz when I always asked about my dad, grandma said he married a lady in Connecticut. I never blamed anyone for it until I started watching wrestling. I felt drawn to this wrestler, Triple H."

"I always felt close to him, when grandma sat once, she started cursing the TV saying that he was filthy and cursed, then she told me that he was my dad and from then I hated him. He was a villain and I was innocent."

"I never wanted any of this. Until I met Shawn and Mark. They would visit me twice every month and I always asked them about my dad and their answer was always the same. He's okay. He thinks about you alot, I know he never did." Jade said, her eyes closed and a tear rolled down her cheek

"When grandma died, and dad brought me to Connecticut. I was so happy thinking maybe finally my dad wanted me. I was so wrong. When I got up there, you were his wife, and he had 2 other daughters I wasn't important then and I ain't important now,"

"I never wanted things to get this far, I'm so sorry, I ruin everything," Jade said shaking her head

"No, no you don't, its my fault," Stephanie insisted

Jade shook her head

"I want to forgive him mom, I wanna forgive him so bad. But every time I try, every time I look at him, I remember having my heart broken by someone who was supposed to hurt anybody who broke my heart. I remember no one being there for my graduation or to see me be a valedictorian. I remember- I remember standing alone for the father-daughter dance." Jade said in full tears

"I wanna forgive him mom. But I can't, I'm so sorry," Jade racked with sobs

And as Stephanie pulled Jade into her arms and let her cry while she whispered that everything would be okay into her ear and petted her

Both Stephanie and Jade knew the relationship between them had changed for the better.

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