The Morning After

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Jade rolled over with a groan, heard a yelp, felt the bed move and then a body hit the floor

She instantly sat up and looked over the edge of the bed seeing Dean wrapped up in the sheets flat on his stomach

Events from last night came flooding back to Jade

"I'm sorry," she said grabbing his hand as he rolled over onto his back

"S'fine." He said heaving himself back up

She hit his chest and he grabbed her forearms, they stared at each other for a while, he smiled at her and she returned it

"Want some coffee?" She asked, he nodded slowly and followed her into the kitchen

"So, I just wanna say thanks for letting me stay last night, it means a lot." She thanked him while putting the kettle on

"No problem, was my pleasure." He replied sitting at the table and he looked at her movements

She hid a smile as she tipped the kettle to fill two cups

She took up the two cups and sat down with it, passing one to him

"So did I say anything crazy last night." She asked taking a sip of coffee

"Depends." He said following her sip

"Do you consider telling me you love me crazy?" He asked watching amused as she nearly choked

"I did what?" She asked wiping her mouth

"You told me you loved me." Dean replied taking a sip

"And I love you too." He elaborated watching her reactions

"I-" she began then caught herself
"Wait, you love me?" She asked him. He nodded

"Very much." He answered

Then he took her hand and walked her outside where the sun was just rising

He lead her to the balcony and then wrapped his arms around her

"You see that sunrise?" He asked she nodded her head against his chest, he turned her around to face him

"That sunrise is not infinite, one day, it's gonna be gone but while it's here, it's gonna rise with us and go to bed with us, its gonna keep us warm and happy and that's kinda what love is. Its the way I feel when I see you or your around me, its sort of an infinite happiness. Your my sunshine and I love you." He finished

If she wasn't careful, she'd start crying and cause a flood

"I love you too." She replied smiling at him

He looked down at her and grinned

"Remember when you said there will come a time the moment will be perfect and everything would fall into place?" He asked using his index finger to tilt her head up

She nodded

"This is it." He said with a happy look as he leaned down and pressed their lips together

This was it! What they had both been waiting on since they gained feelings for one another

There was no cameras, no screaming fans, no tongue, no bright lights.

It was a sweet kiss that described their need for one another. It wasn't lusty nor was it needy or greedy. They just needed each other to be happy. That was it. The soul needs to share with another soul and Dean and Jade found theirs.

When they pulled apart, Dean and Jade leaned their foreheads together

"What'dya say? Be my girlfriend sunshine?" Dean asked

Jade looked at him and saw nothing but happiness, innocence, adoration and trustworthiness

"Yes." She replied before he took her up and spun her before letting her back down and they joined in a kiss

The two cups of cold coffee on the table, forgotten.


It was a little later when Jade had made it back to the apartment she shared with Nikki

Nikki grabbed her and hung on like a koala when she walked through the door

"Where have you been? Is everything alright? What happened last night? Did you go back with Dean? Did-" Nikki began asking questions

Jade detached herself and laughed

"All I have to say is...Thank You." She said and walked to her room

And those two words made Nikki understand exactly what happened.

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