Same Old Same Old

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Jade was getting ready for a promo with her mom, she was standing in front the mirror, rubbing some excessive lipstick that had made an appearance

Dean had already had his match and was waiting to leave after she'd done her promo

She looked to make sure everything was alright

Her eyes then caught Dean's in the mirror and she smiled

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Her eyes then caught Dean's in the mirror and she smiled

Her eyes then caught Dean's in the mirror and she smiled

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She turned to him

"What's up with you?" She asked, putting the powder down, smiling at Dean

"Just thinking about how lucky I got," he replied

She grinned

"Your always such a damn flirt." She said jokingly, kissing his lips

She received a signal telling her it was time to go out

She smiled at Dean

"I'll be back babe," she said, before she exited the room and walked into the corridor where the camera crew and her mom was waiting

"And, action," he said before the red light turned on

"This seems like a recurring action, me constantly warning you about who to choose for one of your dad's matches," Stephanie said with a smirk

"Well maybe if you stop sticking your nose into things that don't concern you...then we wouldn't keep having this problem." Jade smartly replied

"So whose side are you on? Your father's or Ambrose's?" Her mom asked

Jade smirked

"I'll tell you soon enough, in fact I'll tell the world soon enough," she sake before turning and walking out of shot

She waved to her mom and was so ready to get back to her man and get out of here but a gear dressed Dean stopped her

"What are you doing?" She asked taking in his appearance

"I have a last minute promo with Steph," he replied

Jade sighed

"I'm gonna change, get me when you're done," she replied, pecking his cheek and walking back to her locker room

She had changed and was watching Dean's promo

"Tell my daughter to choose wisely at No Mercy, wouldn't want her to be embarrassed when you lose," Stephanie said

Dean rolled his eyes

"Except, I'm not gonna lose so," Dean replied

Stephanie hmmed before replying

"Just give her my message for me,"

Dean nodded

"Okay," he said, nodding sarcastically

"Alright," Stephanie said with a smile

"I ain't gonna lose though," Dean called after her

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"I ain't gonna lose though," Dean called after her

Jade laughed out loud at Dean's face after

She decided she could meet him halfway since he'd already put their bags in the car so she set off

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She decided she could meet him halfway since he'd already put their bags in the car so she set off

She decided she could meet him halfway since he'd already put their bags in the car so she set off

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Everyone was gone, the hallways were basically empty

"Ready?" Dean asked when he caught sight of her

She nodded meeting him in a kiss before she took his outstretched hand and they made their way to their car

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