You Did?

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Jade sighed as she saw Seth standing at the end of the hall, on his phone

She hesitated and looked at her wedding ring, she had made up her mind to do this. She would do this to put Dean's mind and her mind at rest

She walked down the hallway and took a deep breath before taking Seth's phone and resting it on the crate next to them, before pushing him against the walls and holding down his hands before she, cringing, pressed her lips against him so he wouldn't be able to touch her

The kiss lasted roughly 10 seconds before she pulled away and tried with every fibre to avoid wiping her lips

Seth chuckled as he looked at her smugly

"So I see you took up my offer," he said, bringing his bottom lip into his mouth and chuckling

"Well, a deal's a deal," he said

Jade nodded and looked away

"Jade," Seth called and Jade hesitantly looked at him

"I'm sorry, spur of the moment, kinda lost my mind after Sarah broke up with me, and you're just so pretty and you're always there for me, and I went," he paused

"Insane?" Jade asked, looking as he laughed

"Yeah," he said, then he got serious

"Can you ever forgive me?" He asked, looking hopeful

"Can you ever forgive me?" He asked, looking hopeful

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Jade sighed and paused before she nodded

"Yeah, I can. You're my little brother Seth, you'll always be my little brother, no matter what," she told him and with tears in his eyes, brought her into a tight hug
She smiled into his shoulder

"Do you actually forgive me?" He asked, still hugging her

"Yeah, I do," she replied before she pulled back and grabbed him by the front of his shirt to pull him close to her face

"But you ever, try to break me and Dean up again, I'll break you son," she said

"Noted," Seth said, nodding vigorously

Jade smiled and walked away, quickly wiping her lips and looking for Dean for a taste of something she actually wanted

She found him looking at Smackdown on a monitor, she saw him look at her and grinned

"Hey did you-" he didn't get to finish as Jade forcedly pressed her lips against his, it a messy kiss, teeth clashed, lips were being bruised, tongues met in a tango and their hands were all over each other

Dean pulled away first and panted, holding her at arms length and looking at her amused
"So I'm guessing you did it?" He asked, smiling

She nodded

"And?" He elaborated

"We're okay," she whispered and literally crashed herself into his chest and smiled as she began sobbing

"I love you so much," she said, soaking his grey shirt in tears, he shockingly hugged her back and rubbed her back as he pressed his cheek into her hair and pouted

He hated to see this little precious gem cry. Dean thought she was way too pure for that.

"I love you too babe," he replied, kissing her hair and rubbing her back, keeping her close to himself, not wanting to let her go. Ever.

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