All Is Forgiven.

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Jade got back on the WWE Tour on the Sunday just before RAW and she couldn't function properly. She was exhausted emotionally and couldn't find it in herself to be okay right now

When she got off the plane and through customs, she walked through the gates and immediately caught sight of Dean and she forced a smile so he wouldn't be worried

"Hey," she said as he walked toward her and she leaned up to peck his lips

"How was your trip?" He asked picking up her bag and then taking her hand and leading her to the van

"Uhhh, was okay. I don't know, I'm gonna forgive dad though," she said ruffling her hair as he began driving

"So hey, I got the script today," he said watching the traffic light, she looked from the window to him

"Yeah?" She said looking at him as he glanced at her before he began driving again

"You um, you gotta kiss Randy tonight," he said hesitantly scratching his head

She knocked her head against the headrest and groaned in protest

"Perfect, just freaking perfect." She said rolling her eyes

Dean glanced at her and back to the road as he pulled into the hotel parking lot.


Jade was standing outside her mom and dad's room hesitating whether to knock or not. She took a deep breath and knocked 3 times steadily

It was 10 seconds before there was an answer

"Oh hi sweetie," Stephanie said as she opened the door, giving Jade a hug which she returned

"Come in, come in." Stephanie beckoned pulling Jade into the apartment

She greeted Rora, Murph and Vaughny before she turned back to Stephanie

"Where's Paul?" She asked

Stephanie's eyes widened

"Your here to see Paul? Oh he's on the lanai, go right out sweetie, I'm making dinner." She said walking into the kitchen

Jade looked at where her dad was and slowly walked out to see him holding a picture, as she got closer, she could see what it was

Jade looked at where her dad was and slowly walked out to see him holding a picture, as she got closer, she could see what it was

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She sighed

The one picture there was of the two of them.

"Dad," she called making him jump slightly and put the picture back in the book

"Jade," he said startled, wiping his cheeks

"I can't stay long, I'm going for dinner with Dean soon, so I'm just here to tell you, I forgive you," she said

Paul's grin looked ready to split his face and he got up and hugged her tightly, she smiled into his embrace.

She bade farewell to everyone and went to get ready for her date with Dean.

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