Happy Cupcake

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"Fuck!" Was the first word she heard as she woke up

"What the hell?" She murmured as she took in the cold bed next to her

She got up and walked into the bathroom looking for her lunatic boyfriend, not finding him in the bathroom

She heard pans drop and a cuss word was shouted into the quiet house

"Shit!" She heard, making her jump slightly as it interrupted the silence

She followed the sound and the string of cuss words that came after

"Baby?" She called as she walked into the kitchen, seeing Dean looking at her

"What are you doing?" She asked questioningly, seeing her kitchen in a mess

"Happy Birthday baby girl!" He called rushing into her arms

She smiled and wrapped her arms around him

"Happy birthday babe, how does it feel to be 50?" He asked jokingly

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"Happy birthday babe, how does it feel to be 50?" He asked jokingly

She gasped and smacked his arm

"How dare you, I'm only 31," she replied

"Hmhm," he said smirking

She chuckled

"So what are you doing?" She asked, looking over his shoulder, on her tiptoes

He turned back towards the stove

"Baking you a cake," he replied, Jade's eyes widened and she stifled a laugh

"Umm, okay," she said unsure

"But I can't figure out how to raise the heat in this piece of shit," he said kicking at it Jade grabbed his arm with a laugh

"But I can't figure out how to raise the heat in this piece of shit," he said kicking at it Jade grabbed his arm with a laugh

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"Babe, don't kick it," she said with a fond laugh

"You're lucky my girl is in here," he said staring at the stove with a hard stare. Jade still had her hand on his forearm.

 Jade still had her hand on his forearm

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