When Had I Built My World Around You?

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Jade had been awake since nearly four that morning, they were supposed to get back on tour with WWE, but even though she was awake, she hadn't move

Dean was still asleep on his side of the bed, his mouth slightly open and snoring quietly.

Jade turned slowly to avoid waking him up, he shifted but didn't wake up

He faced her and a small smile graced his face as he put a hand on her waist, his eyes still closed

What had she done to deserve this man?

She stared at him and began to think of everything she loved about him

She loved the way his hair would get all fluffy when it wasn't wet and when he ran his hands on it to fix it but it would still end up all over his forehead

She loved the way his eyes could relay every single emotion he had and could tell endless stories just with one glance, she loved how they reminded her of a mossy blue lake and she could stare into them all day

She loved how his nose would scrunch up when he laughed and how he would crinkle it when he was uncomfortable

His smile, god she could write a book about his smile alone. He had a smile that could move mountains and could calm her down as soon as she saw it. She loved when she was the reason for his smile and when he would try and hide something and he'd smile so wide to distract her. She loved when he smiled wide enough to make his dimples appear, she would always poke at his dimples just to make him smile, he always pretended he hated his dimples, but she knew he'd say that just so she could gush about how much she loved them

 She loved when he smiled wide enough to make his dimples appear, she would always poke at his dimples just to make him smile, he always pretended he hated his dimples, but she knew he'd say that just so she could gush about how much she loved them

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She loved how'd he shamelessly flirt with her and then he'd smirk. She loved that sexy smirk that would spread across his face
She loved his chest, it wasn't overly muscular but it was incredibly perfect. She loved to rest her head against it and listen as his heartbeat sped up when she got close.

She loved his arms, and how safe they'd make her feel whenever he wrapped it around her and kissed her forehead. They felt so strong around her. She loved his body in general

 She loved his body in general

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