Can We Talk?

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Jade and Dean had talked and decided they'd do the storyline. So after they met with Triple H and signed the contract, they found themselves in catering

Dean was playing with Jade's fingers smiling as she had her feet on his lap

"So how about tonight we go on our first official date?" He proposed, she stopped eating the strawberry and looked at him

"Really?" She asked smiling, he nodded

"Yeah, sure," she said with a smile

"Dean Ambrose to the guerrilla position, Dean Ambrose to the guerrilla position, thank you," the intercom spoke

"Shit." He said giving Jade an apologetic look, she brushed him off and ruffled his hair

"Go kick some ass," she said smiling, he kissed her and ran off, she shook her head fondly and went back to the book she was reading

Someone slid into the chair across from her

She looked up and wished she hadn't

He was staring at her and looked to be deep in thought

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He was staring at her and looked to be deep in thought

She rolled her eyes and went back to the book, pretending he wasn't there

"Can we talk?" He asked

She briefly glanced at him and that was her second mistake as he hit her with the eyes and the pout

"Please," he requested and deepened the pout

She sighed in defeat and got up and motioned him to their corner, or what WAS their corner

She folded her arms and waited for him to begin speaking

"So, I need to tell you something about that Ambrose kid." He began and that was enough for her to snap

"Keep his name out of your filthy mouth, he has nothing to do with us. Your the one ruining everybody's life around here. Your freaking married Randal! And your still after me. I know what heartbreak feels like because you're the first one who officially broke my heart in a romantic way. I know what it feels to be with a married man, we were together even before you married Sam. That's a long ass time and honestly, when you finally got the divorce, it was the best day of my life, you had proposed to me and then you'd gotten injured and you took some time off, when you came back, you had a new tattoo and a wedding ring on your finger. You never cared about anyone but yourself. And I'm sick of it and I'm tired. You've put a rift between me and Dean twice, why? Cuz you don't like that I'm happy with somebody that isn't you and that's selfish. When you came back, I was happy, yeah, and you took advantage of the fact that I was reliving the nostalgia."

"And that's selfish, Randy we had a great 7 years and you threw it away, so now maybe I'll throw away our memory like you did so easily. I love Dean, I'm in love with Dean and I'll be damned straight to hell if I let a ignorant, selfish, slimy sonuvabitch ruin us again. Stay out of my life Randal, cuz I sure as hell don't want to be in any part of yours." She said angrily staring into his watering blue eyes

She hit him a cold look and turned to leave when she remembered something and she took off the necklace which held the ring he had proposed to her with

"And I don't want anything to remind me of you anymore," she said throwing the chain with the ring at him, watching as he scrambled to catch it, and he let out a sob as he saw what it was

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"And I don't want anything to remind me of you anymore," she said throwing the chain with the ring at him, watching as he scrambled to catch it, and he let out a sob as he saw what it was

She turned back around and hastily wiped her cheeks and walked away

She turned the corner and ran straight into Dean, she chuckled

"Let me guess, you heard everything?" She said smiling

He nodded smiling

"You meant it." He stated smiling

She nodded

"Every last word, you mean a lot to me." She told him, he grinned

"Now let me shower and how bout that date," he asked smirking

She laughed and he threw an arm around her neck and guided her to his locker room


Author's Note

Do you guys want me to write out the date scene or pick up from the day after?

Let me know!


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