The Ultimatum

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Jade wasn't booked for anything tonight so she wasn't here tonight. Dean thought it was a good a time as any to go talk to Seth and try to solve this whole dilemma so that's what he did

He cautiously walked to Seth's locker-room and knocked 3 times, waiting for Seth to open the door

He didn't have to wait long, fore the door swung open quite quickly and Seth's eyes widened when he saw Dean, he tried to quickly close the door but Dean was too quick and stepped past him into the room 

"Look you little weasel, I'm not here to hurt you." Dean admitted, then he took a deep breath

"I just wanna talk," he said, raising his hands in temporary truce

Seth hesitantly looked at him before he nodded his head

"Okay, but not in here, if we're gonna talk, we're gonna talk where there's witnesses," Seth said, opening the door

Dean smirked and stepped outside, Seth albeit hesitatingly followed him out, a long silence followed them

"Well," Seth said, annoyed, irked that he was taking so long to say something

"I just wanna make something very clear to you." Dean said, Seth smirked already seeing where this was going

"Stay away from my wife," Dean said and THERE it was, Seth was always right wasn't he just?

He smiled at Dean

"You want me stay away from Jade? You got it," he agreed

Dean nodded and begun walking away until 3 words stopped him

"On one condition," Seth finished
Dean rolled his neck in agitation before be turned back around, with a sigh

"Name it," he said

Seth smugly smiled at him

"You have to get Jade to agreeingly and willingly kiss me, and that's it, everything will end, I'll stop going after her

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"You have to get Jade to agreeingly and willingly kiss me, and that's it, everything will end, I'll stop going after her. I'll stop trying to break you guys up, I'll stop everything," Seth admitted

"You have until next week RAW," Seth said, before he turned and walked back into his room

Dean looked after him in confusion

How the hell was he supposed to get Jade to go along with this?

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How the hell was he supposed to get Jade to go along with this?

He frustratingly rubbed his hands over his face and sighed

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