Just Hold On

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Jade ran into the hospital since their flight was delayed. Dean spoke to the nurse and found out Steph had already told them Jade and Dean were coming

Jade opened the door, seeing her dad weak and laying on the hospital bed, with her mom sleeping on his bedside

"Babe," Triple H whispered hoarsely

Jade swallowed a lump in her throat and Dean walked in after, gasping at the sight

"Daddy," Jade whispered going over to his side, looking into his lidded, identically hazel green eyes, they looked so broken as he smiled at his eldest daughter

Her dad motioned her down and when she obeyed, and leant down, her dad raised and kissed her forehead. Dean woke up Stephanie and helped her to the cafeteria downstairs so they could give Paul and Jade a moment to themselves, Dean knew Jade was trying to be strong, he knew she didn't want to upset Paul and he felt absolutely useless, he wished he could just take away her pain from her and she'd be okay, but sadly, he couldn't

Jade pulled a stool and sat at her dad's bedside, he turned to her and smiled

"Harley," he called, reaching a hand out

She resisted rolling her eyes at her birth name and allowed it because it was her dad, she took his hand in hers making him smile

"The doctors said if they go through with the surgery, I may relapse in a few years. But if I don't have it, I may not have a week," he explained

Jade kept the tears out of her eyes and sighed

"You're doing the right thing, before you go into the surgery, I just want to say, I love you daddy." She said, finally allowing a tear to drop, Triple H quickly reached his thumb up and wiped it away

"I love you too princess, and I always will, and if I don't make it, take care of them," he said, looking at where Dean and Stephanie were outside, talking

"Don't say that, you're gonna make it daddy, you have to. I just got you back, I can't lose you again," she pleaded looking at him

"Sweetie, I have more than one tumors, I'm not guaranteed anything," he informed her

"Paul, the surgeons are ready," Stephanie said, coming in with Dean and a doctor

Jade's eyes glossed and she gripped her dad's arm tightly, not willing to let him go

Dean realized the look on Jade's face and went over to pry her away from the bed

"I love you," her dad said, looking at his son-in-law, his wife and his eldest, and not to mention favourite daughter, don't tell the other girls, as they wheeled him out of the room

"Just Hold On!" Jade screamed, struggling against Dean's grasp as he tried to calm her down

When they had disappeared, Jade fell to the ground, with tears in her eyes as she soaked Dean's blue jersey and he rubbed her back, hearing his heart break for her as her small body racked against his bigger frame in sobs

He ran his hand on her head and held her and Stephanie as he helped them out of the room and to the waiting area

8 hours had passed and Jade had on her military jacket and Steph was huddled up in herself, having no more tears to cry out

Jade was laying on Dean's chest while his cheek was pressed against her hair and he just continuously rubbed her shoulders in comfort

The doctor walked out and removed his mask, taking a deep breath

"It wasn't easy, but we're finally done with the surgery and just in time, because the anesthetic wore off as soon as we wheeled him back into his room, so the surgery was a major success and we're glad to tell you that we successfully removed the 3 tumors but we discovered something," the doctor said, sucking all the happiness out of the room

"He had a forth tumor, it's too underdeveloped for us to remove, if we attempted to remove it, he could go brain dead," he relayed as Stephanie clasped a hand over her mouth

Jade heard Dean gasp above her, but she just hid her face in his neck

"When it's developed, bring him back and we'll get rid of it, you can go see him now," he said

They nodded, thanked him and all got up, heading to the room, where Paul was sitting down, drinking a cup of water

"Paul!" Stephanie cheered, going over to hug him, while Jade had the doctors words continuously running through her mind as she looked at him

"Paul!" Stephanie cheered, going over to hug him, while Jade had the doctors words continuously running through her mind as she looked at him

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"Jay," her dad called, snapping her out of her trance

She looked at him, he had a smile on his face and an arm outstretched for her to come into, opposite the arm he held her mom in

She smiled and hugged him, leaning into his chest

"I held on," he spoke, smiling

Jade smiled and Paul's eyes went to Dean who was sitting down

"Come on son, give me a hug," he said, removing both arms from 2/4 of his girls and opening both arms for Dean, who got up and hugged him too

Everyone conversed but Jade couldn't calm her thoughts and they kept running wild

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