Are You Kidding Me?

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Jade was speaking to her dad when he brought up something

"So I think its time we cancel your match with Brock." He said

She stopped balancing the paysheet and looked at him

"What?" She asked squinting

"You didn't think I was actually gonna let you face Brock were you? You're my daughter why would I risk it?" Paul asked

Jade shook her head and looked at him

"You aren't serious, I can defend myself against Brock, I can beat Brock Lesnar." She stood up at this point

Hunter raised his hand to pacify her

"Sweetie, your mom and I just don't think you can beat Brock by yourself." He tried

Jade scoffed

"I don't believe this." She said and walked out the door, ignoring her dad's calls

She was stopped by Seth and Roman and she explained everything to them

"So he wants to cancel the match?" Seth asked confused

Jade nodded

"Exactly! I couldn't believe it either." She said in a scoff

Roman and Seth shared a look

"I think you should let your dad go through with it. It's what's best for you." Seth said

Jade took a step back

"Wait. Are you agreeing with my dad?" She asked

Seth hesitated, nodded and cringed

Jade looked hurt then she turned to Roman

"Ro, do you agree with Seth and dad?" She asked

He twitched

"Look Jade, I believe in you with anybody else, but I've been in the ring with Brock, I know how physical he can get." Roman said

"We're just looking out for you." Seth elaborated

Jade didn't say anything, just walked off.

She was frustrated by the time she reached the stairs

Why did no one believe in her? Why was everyone trying to decide what's best for her when they didn't even know? Why did no one have faith she could take care of herself?

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Why did no one believe in her?
Why was everyone trying to decide what's best for her when they didn't even know? Why did no one have faith she could take care of herself?

She growled in frustration before her phone pinged


Heard what happened. Don't let anyone tell you what you can or can't do. I know you can and I believe in you. You go out there and prove everyone wrong. Love you.

She found herself smiling. Thanks to Dean she was back on top. She cracked her neck and got up and walked over to the tech

"Play my music," she demanded he nodded and Bo$$ began

She strolled out and stepped into the ring

"Jade! Jade! Jade!" She smiled at the uproar

"I've realized how much people are going to try and stop me from pursuing the beast. But somebody still believes in me, and I'll make him proud, people want to lose faith in me? Well that's fine. People want to say I can't? That's fine. But now, I'm gonna have to try 10x as hard to prove I can. But since people think I can't beat Brock Lesnar on my own. And that I'm gonna need help. I'm adding a stipulation." She smirked

"This match will now be a No Holds Barred, Steel Cage Match." She said

Everyone's jaw dropped

"And if anyone and I mean anyone, comes to interfere before or during the match, severe ramifications will be set and that superstar or diva will be immediately suspended and or fired." She said smiling

"And that's why I'm the boss." She said dropping her mic and sashaying up the ramp, confidence oozing off of her

When she got backstage, she ignored everyone, no one, and she meant no one could change her mind now

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When she got backstage, she ignored everyone, no one, and she meant no one could change her mind now.


I'm so proud of you cupcake.

It's insane that the one text made her feel brave and more confident. If nobody stood by her. She knew Dean would. And that's all that mattered.

Author's Note

Oh. My. Glitter.

You guys are amazing!! 👥👭👫
Thank You so much for making this book such a success. I love each and every one of you.



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