Lunching Leads To Planning

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Jade had been making some baked turkey and biscuits and had taken out the turkey and was just waiting for the biscuits

She picked up her coffee and looked at Dean who was watching her

"What's with your face?" She asked smiling while drinking her iced coffee

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"What's with your face?" She asked smiling while drinking her iced coffee

He leaned over and picked a piece of flour from her hair

"You've been walking around with this stuck on your hair for the past 10 minutes," he said snickering

Jade fake gasped and slapped his shoulder making him laugh out loud

The biscuits just came out of the oven, when the doorbell rang

"That's mom and dad, could you get it?" She asked, taking the cranberry sauce out of the fridge

He nodded and walked over to the door and opened it

"Dean!" They chorused

He grinned and hugged Stephanie and shook Hunter's hand

"We got you a gift," Stephanie said, Paul handed him a box while Stephanie held flowers, he guessed for Jade as Paul handed him some beers

"Thanks," he said, smiling as he looked at the wrapped box

"Thanks," he said, smiling as he looked at the wrapped box

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He grinned and walked into the kitchen, them following

"Hey guys," Jade said, wiping her hands and going over to hug them

"Hi Jadey boo," her dad said, handing her the flowers

"Your dad picked those up for you," Stephanie told her

She cooed and smelled them smiling as she set them in a vase and on the dining table

"They're beautiful," she said smiling

"C'mon, we're eating outside, mom can you bring the biscuits?" She asked as Dean put on his hat and picked up the beers that her dad brought. Hunter excused himself to the washroom

Jade walked out, followed by Dean, Stephanie was waiting for Hunter while buttering the biscuits

"I really like your parents." Dean said, making Jade turn and smile

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