Difference Between Jean and Jandy

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(I don't know)^^ 👅😹

Jade sighed as she pulled up to her interview place and shut off the ignition of her van and got out, she was only able to make two steps before her phone rang

"Yeah babe?" She asked, answering Dean's call as she dug in her purse for her lipstick

"Hi cupcake, where's DJ's cough syrup, she just started coughing but she doesn't have fever," Dean rushed out, panicking

Jade smiled slightly at his rave and then replied

"It's in the cupboard, the medicine cabinet, on the third shelf. Give her the dry lozenges, the syrup is drowsy, and if you give it to her now, she'll be up all night," Jade reminded, opening the door to the building and walking in

"Okay, are you still driving?" He asked, she could hear the cupboards opening

"No I just got here love, I'll call you when I'm leaving," Jade said and after a greeting, they hung up and Jade went to her designated area and sat down

"Hey everyone, welcome this lovely youngling, WWE Superstar, Jade Ambrose," 

Jade smiled at him, his name was John

"So apart from your WWE life, if it's all the same to you, we want to pick apart your personal life abit," they said, she nodded and scooted closer to her mic stand

"So first question, how's your relationship with Dean Ambrose going?" They asked, she smiled just at the mention of his name

"It's going really well, we just can't seem to get out of the honeymoon phase, not like I mind," she replied, with a smile

"That's great, and your little girl?" He asked

"She's a little under the weather right now, but she's okay, she's starting school soon," Jade replied, getting comfortable

"And how old is she?" He asked

"She's gonna be 6 next year, so she's 5 right now, so she's gonna be starting elementary school soon," Jade said, rolling the sleeves of her plaid shirt up slightly

"Time flies, doesn't it?" He asked, Jade sadly nodded

"It really does, seems like just yesterday she couldn't go nowhere unless someone was holding her and now, she's so active, running around, agitating Bully, our dog," she said, chuckling slightly

"So how was Dean's upbringing compared to yours?" He asked, Jade sighed deeply

"Dean's had a hard life, so have I, but we're both okay, I grew up not knowing my mom or my dad, Dean grew up, not knowing his dad, and his mom wasn't the best, she was a junkie and a heavy alcoholic, so was my grandma. But unlike Dean, I had support from my uncles Shawn and Mark. They've been an inspiration for me from an early age," she replied

"And what's your relationship with Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker?"

"Well, when my dad was away, I didn't have anyone, honestly, so when I met a 6"10 man, with a heart of gold, and a sexy boy with a larger than life personality, I honestly didn't know what to expect. But when I saw Daddy Mark in a tiara, sitting in a chair so small he could have eaten his knees, and seeing Daddy Shawn in a tutu with a feather scarf, putting money under my pillow, as a tooth fairy, it showed they really cared about me. Some people have 1 or 2 dads, I got lucky, I have 3 dads." She said, smiling, reminding herself to call Mark and Shawn later

"How do you wish to bring up DJ compared to how you're childhood was?" He asked

Jade sighed

"I would drag myself to the ends of the world to make sure DJ never grow up like Dean and I. She shouldn't have to go through anything like what I went through. She shouldn't have that feeling of abandonment. I always tell her, no matter where her dad and I go, we will always be there for her and she can't hesitate to call us anytime she needs us, we love DJ to pieces and any hard times we can prevent her from going through, we're gonna scratch and claw to protect her." Jade stated as serious as could be

"What about more kids?" He asked her

"Oh yeah definitely, I want more kids, Dean definitely wants more kids. So yeah, maybe 1 or 2 more,  definitely," she said nodding

"What would you name them?" He asked

"We had actually talked about this already, me and Dean, we agreed if it's a girl, Dianna and if it's a boy Jayden," she said, smiling

"I love that you two already talked about this," he replied, smiling

"And now, onto a topic you're hardly public with," he said, looking through his papers

"The difference between Jean and Jandy," he elaborated and just like that, all the positive energy from Jade's body drained

"You've never been 100% clear on what happened between you and Randy Orton, could you?" He asked

Jade sighed

"Obviously, it's not something I enjoy talking about, and I always cry when I try to tell someone, so bear with me." Jade announced, before she leaned closer

"I had started wanting to be a WWE, at that time it was the Divas, so I wanted to be a diva, and I found a little run down wrestling school in Connecticut, Jim's Jacked Jaw School of Wrestling," Jade began

"I was 17 at the time, so obviously I wasn't able to begin wrestling just yet, so I sold concessions and I was an announcer for a year. As soon as I was able, I got into the ring and dominated. Then when I debuted in 2005 with the WWE, a 19 year old rookie, I met Randy. As soon as I saw him, I knew he was something special. He was so amazing. He was everything I ever wanted you know." She said, looking away

"We dated for a long time, and then he suffered his collarbone injury, and left, when he came back, he told me his parents had arranged a marriage for him and he loved me, but he didn't want to let me go. He was an incredible guy, but I thought he didn't care about me, so we broke up." Jade said, sighing

"Then he never left me alone, he didn't understand the point of me being angry with him. He told me he was sorry and he loved me and then I caved, I wanted him back in my life, I needed Randy. So much. Anyway, we got back together, then he called me when he came back from his vacation and told me, he wasn't sure how I was gonna react, but he didn't want to lose me, and he told me, Sam, was pregnant. I was devastated. I thought, he would be out of the marriage. Then he told me he was gonna stay for the baby. I still didn't leave him. Then when his daughter was born, me and her made quick friends, she called me mom countless times, but Sam knew Randy and I were together. She just didn't want to admit it to herself." Jade said, trying not to feel guilty

"When Randy told me he asked Sam for a divorce, I was the happiest person ever! At least, so I thought. He um, he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him, and I swear, I didn't hesitate." Jade said, smiling

"Then came Seth and Randy's brawl where Randy was out with a concussion. I waited and when he came back, he had a wedding band on his finger, and he had someone's name on it. But it wasn't mine. I had thought that finally I'd get to live my life with the man I love, then he goes and pulls something like that? I couldn't take it anymore," Jade said, without missing a beat

"I sat him down and told him you don't treat the people you love like that and I actually wore his ring around my neck for awhile, then I gave it back when Dean and I started hanging out," Jade said finishing her story

"And if you could go back in time and change one thing about your relationship with Dean and Randy, what would you change?"
"With Dean, absolutely nothing. I'm right where I want to be with him and he knows it," Jade stated confidently

"With Randy though, I guess I'd change how it ended. Like it ended so suddenly. He was a good guy but I felt like I was a homewrecker and I couldn't take it. So I'd change the ending, and the situation," Jade replied

"So which team are you on? Team Jean or Team Jandy?"

"Definitely Team Jean," Jade replied, chuckling

"Same," he replied

"That's all the time we have, catch me tomorrow with Mila Kunis," he said, wishing Jade a safe trip

She shot Dean a quick text before she began her trip back home

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