Her Demons

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Jade's dad sent her to officially sell her grandma's house back in Connecticut, so she asked Dean to accompany her

They had arrived and were in their way to the house

She took a deep breath and held the key to the door and pushed it into the keyhole and twisted, opening the door

She felt her heart break as she looked around the main room, she took a few steps in and she grabbed Dean's hand tight and looked at the stairs and the kitchen

"Baby, are you okay?" He asked concerned, rubbing her hand

"I'm okay, can you go upstairs and check the rooms?" She asked, keeping her eyes on the stairs

"Um, yeah of course, " he said, she let go his hands, watching as he walked into the kitchen

She slowly made her way to the stairs and rested her hand on the stairway before she began ascending and she stopped in the middle and sat down, she took a deep breath and pulled her knees to her chest

She could nearly hear herself crying and calling out for her dad and mom that she didn't have.

She gripped the rug that covered the stairs, she remembered being bullied so much times for being an "orphan" or a "bastard"

She remembered how much days she cried herself to sleep and thinking no one cared about her

How many times her grandma would go out drinking and come home only to tell her how worthless she was

She remembered how many days, she would get looked down upon as being "illegitimate"

She remembered the pain of seeing her father with another woman and kids and she didn't get to be a part of his life

Before Jade knew it, she was crying silently, gripping the shagged rug so hard, her knuckles were turning white

"Okay the kitch-" Dean said coming back out, only for his worried eyes to take in Jade's panicked form

"Babe?" He said worriedly walking towards her

She didn't notice him till he touched her shoulder

She looked at him with wide scared eyes and threw herself on his chest, gripping onto his blue shirt tightly and crying onto his chest while he just rubbed her back whispering comforting words to her

When she calmed down, she looked up

"I used to sit here when I had any problems as a little girl," she explained

Dean nodded, not really understanding

"When I'd be called names and bullied, when I'd be verbally abused by my grandmother, all the days I needed my mom and dad and they weren't there, when I found out my dad had another family, when I wanted to run away, these steps have seen alot," she said running her hand on the wood finish

"The worst was when I had this massive crush on the most popular guy in school and his friends made me think he liked me back, I honestly believed them and the guy, James would constantly flirt with me and text me, and then he asked me on a date, I went out with him for approximately a month and then for the spring formal, he asked me to meet him there, so I put on my best dress, did my makeup and hair and went. When I- when I got there, in front of everyone he said he'd never love a geek like me, and right in front of me, he kissed this cheerleader, Lexus. And then two other cheerleaders, dumped the bowl of punch on me, I ran home, covered in punch, tears and shame." She relayed as Dean felt his blood boil

"My grandma wasn't around, as usual, so I took up a razor and sat on these steps and made a slash for every thing wrong with my life, I bled on these steps and luckily, my friend was calling my phone and she got worried, she came over and carried me to the ER I got 8 stitches and I couldn't help think I didn't cut deep enough," she said, dissolving in tears, Dean quickly bundled her up in his arms and held her close

"I remember a time in life where I didn't even believe Daddy Shawn or Daddy Mark cared. I didn't believe in anyone." She admitted

Dean hugged her close, feeling tears brimming his eyes

He didn't know this Jade, the vulnerable, soft spoken little girl that was cuddled in his chest

He knew the badass, outspoken, loud, sarcastic and lovable girl that loved to be in his arms

He couldn't believe it...

"Hey, hey, hey, don't cry baby girl, it's over, it's all over, I'll make sure you never get hurt, it's okay, I'm here," he said, kissing her hair as she began calming down

After they left the house, Jade spoke up

"Dean, I can't sell that house, I want nothing to do with it." She said shaking her head

"I'll sell it for you don't worry babe," he assured

Anything to keep his gem happy.

While they were walking in the town, he saw a flier for a real estate agency and he pulled it off the post it was stuck to

While they were walking in the town, he saw a flier for a real estate agency and he pulled it off the post it was stuck to

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He stuffed it into his pocket, deciding he'd call them later

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