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"C'mon dumb and dumber!" Dean called watching Seth and Roman walking with their bags

Dean raised his hands

"C'mon get the show on the road!" Dean said excitedly getting into the van Meanwhile-

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"C'mon get the show on the road!" Dean said excitedly getting into the van

"Oh yeah babe," Jade said, as she put the phone between her shoulder and ear and comtinued cutting the veggies

"That's awesome Deej," Jade cheered, smiling

"Yeah, your dad's out with Uncle Seth and Uncle Roman, so when he gets back, I'll tell him you called," Jade said, looking into the pot

"Alright love you too babe," Jade said smiling and hanging up the phone. She put it down and then David and Jon came into the room

"Mommy, when's dad coming back?" David asked with a whiny voice. Ever since Dean was working, Jade always made dinner in time for Dean to have hot food so her other two boys were fussy

"In a while honey, go play a video game until," she said, turning and picking up the paprika and dashing some in the pot

The boys shared a look and sighed, with a nod

"Okay mom, we'll go to the backyard and practice our baseball," they said in unison

"Okay, have fun boys," she replied

Ten minutes later, she heard the boys yelling

"Momma, dad's home!" They yelled. Jade made sure and covered the pot before she slid on her slippers and went out to the curb to personally greet him

"See boys, my beautiful wife is waiting for me," She head Dean brag before the door opened and he did a ninja roll out and then stretched

"See boys, my beautiful wife is waiting for me," She head Dean brag before the door opened and he did a ninja roll out and then stretched

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"Hello babe," Dean greeted, leaning over to kiss Jade

They kissed sweetly as Seth and Roman cooed

Later that night, the boys were in the screening room, watching "Ghostbusters" while Dean and Jade sat at the table, eating

"So DJ called today," Jade began, Dean raised his eyebrows

"Oh yeah?" Dean asked, putting a piece of roast in his mouth

"Yeah, she's been getting stomach sickness in the morning alot so Anthony told her go to the doctor and they found out she's pregnant." Jade explained

"That's awesome! We're gonna be grandparents," Dean said happily

"I know!" Jade said, smiling just as wide

Later they were cuddled up on the couch watching TV with an old dog, in Bully, cuddled at their feet, when Dean kissed her hair, making her look up at him

"I love you." He told her

She smiled up at him

"I love you too," she replied, smiling as they shared a sweet kiss

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