The Bells Are Ringing

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Jade stood in the mirror and smiled, her nerves were unreal right now, she was so happy and nervous at the same time

"Are you still freaking out?" Nikki asked adjusting her bra in the dress

"Not really," she said, making eye contact with her while her mom sat on the couch, watching their interaction

"John just texted me, you're not the only one freaking out." She said, smirking as she spoke to John via text

"Jade," Dean's mom said as she knocked on the door

"Yes Ma?" She asked calling her as she had been told

"As a thank you for keeping my son so happy," she began, taking off her bracelet

"Here's your something blue," she said, clasping the bracelet around Jade's wrist

Jade hugged her and thanked her as she went back to her seat

Nikki made an impressed noise

Jade shook her head as she looked into the mirror

The bells began ringing as Here Comes The Bride began playing

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The bells began ringing as Here Comes The Bride began playing

Her dad walked in and his jaw dropped as Jade smoothed her hand over the dress

"Babe," he said, tears flooding his eyes

"You look so beautiful," he said, kissing her forehead

She thanked him

"Ready to get married?" Nikki asked as she stood her position to Jade's right, while her dad linked Jade's arm with his

The double doors opened and her 3 little sisters walked out first, dropping flower petals for their big sister to walk on

Dean's eyes widened as he saw Jade walking down, she took this as a chance to observe how good Dean looked

Her dad stopped at the beginning of the altar, giving Dean a hug, kissing Jade's forehead and giving Dean her hand as Jade handed Nikki her bouquet

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Her dad stopped at the beginning of the altar, giving Dean a hug, kissing Jade's forehead and giving Dean her hand as Jade handed Nikki her bouquet

"Please join hands," the ordain said, smiling, they obeyed

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of god to join Dean Jonathan Ambrose and Harley Jade Levesque in holy matrimony," he began

Dean and Jade couldn't keep their eyes of each other

"They love each other and thus have chosen to get married in front of all of you and in front of God, now I've been told the bride and groom have written their own vows

Dean nodded and began

"Jade, from the moment I met you, I fell in love with you. You've been the sweetest part of my life for so long, your eyes make me feel so much love, there's so much I'd like to say, but I can't, I can't imagine living even a single day without you. And I never been a relationship type of guy until I met you. I'll never hurt you and I'll always be your always, I promise to always love you and be by your side as long as you'll have me, I love you." He said, sliding the ring on her finger

"Dean, I've been in so many failed relationships before, that I thought no one could ever make me fall in love again, until I met you, you make my heart race as soon as you make eye contact with me, you're my everything and I admire how much you've been through and you're still the most amazing guy I've ever met, one day, I'll say what I want so bad to say, I promise to always be by your side, I love you." She replied, sliding his wedding band on his finger

"Beautiful," the ordain said as everyone clapped

"Dean, do you take Harley Jade Levesque to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, and promise to love and cherish her as long as you both shall live?"

Dean had a giant, splitting smile on his handsome face

"I do," he replied

"And do you Harley, take Dean Jonathan Ambrose to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in poverty and wealth, and promise to love and cherish him as long as you both shall live?"

Jade met Dean's eyes and saw hope and adoration, but most of all, she saw her future

"I do." She replied

"If anybody has any reason why these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Both Dean and Jade looked over to where Randy was with Kim, holding his new daughter, Brooklyn, he smiled at them, they returned it, before turning back to the priest

"Then by the power vested in me by the great state of Nevada, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride," he announced

Dean rushed forward and put a hand on Jade's cheek and pressed their lips together, both feeling each other's smiles

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to announce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Jonathan Ambrose," he said as Dean and Jade grabbed hands and ran down the aisle, while everyone cheered and stood

After the reception, Dean finally posted on his Twitter

@DeanAmbrose Finally I can call this beautiful young lady, my wife, love of my life 💏💑👫

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@DeanAmbrose Finally I can call this beautiful young lady, my wife, love of my life 💏💑👫

"I can't believe we're finally married," Jade whispered on Dean's chest

"Its so surreal, but its the greatest day of my life," he replied, meeting her in a kiss in the middle of the dance floor, making everyone cheer

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