Live Up To The Helmsley Name

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Right now, Jade's mom and dad, were sat at ringside watching one of Dean's matches

When the bell rang, Dean raised his hands and kept his eyes on Triple H

Then Alicia Fox's music began playing and she sashayed into the ring

"What is it with this family?" She asked, picking up a mic as Dean wiped his lips and put his hands on his hips

"You all always have to be in the limelight don't you? You two are so power hungry and so is your daughter and you," she said pointing at Dean

Dean raised his eyebrows

"Why are you with that trash, she's always in the spotlight like a little fame leech." Alicia said

Jade shook her head and Bo$$ began playing

"Speak of the witch," Alicia said

Jade ran to the ring as she turned around, Jade kicked her midsection and got her in position for a Princess Slam

She smirked at both Dean and her parents as she performed it

She smirked at both Dean and her parents as she performed it

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She stood up and looked at her parents

She stood up and looked at her parents

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"That's good!" Her dad called

She smirked then looked at Dean

She walked up to him with a smirk

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She walked up to him with a smirk

And put her hand on the side of his face before they met in a kiss

When she pulled back, she looked at the angry face of her father and the smile on her mother's face, saluted and took Dean's hand before leaving the ring

They had all been backstage for 10 minutes total when Seth came by to tell Dean and Jade they were needed in Triple H's office

Dean gave Jade a look as if to ask 'what's this about?'

She shrugged before they went to the office where her dad was staring at a piece of paper

"What is this?" He asked, handing her the paper, now that she had it in her hand, she could see what it was

It was her doctor's letter, stating that she was medically unfit for in-ring competition 

She couldn't answer

"Why didn't you tell me?" Her dad asked using a soft tone

"I didn't think it mattered," she replied

Dean just stood in the background looking at the interaction

"Not important? Honey, you're health and happiness is the most important things to me," he assured

Jade nodded, signalling she made a mistake

"You're gonna hafta announce your retirement, next week," he said

"Do you understand me?" He asked using his business tone

"Yes daddy," she replied he nodded

"Good, now I wanna discuss some tactics for our match Dean," he said, turning his attention to Dean, who smirked and nodded, pushing off the wall to sit next to Jade and resting his hand on the back of her chair

She couldn't believe she had to officially retire next week, but at least she lived up to the Helmsley name.

Author's Note

Felt like updating😹😹

So ik one of the pics it's Brie Bella but just pretend it's Alicia for me please! 😹😹🙏

Love you all and thank you for 16.1K 👑🎉🎊👏



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