I'm Positive

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They had gotten back from Bora Bora about a week now and 5 days away, Jade had to announce her official all-round retirement, she was actually looking forward to it.

Dean had wanted to try and make dinner while Jade used the bathroom, just for the heck of it, she decided to take another pregnancy test, it was becoming a weekly routine of disappointment.

She sighed and set it on the counter, walking back downstairs back to Dean who was stirring the pot of Mac&Cheese that he made from scratch

"I took another one," she said, watching as he froze before he continued what he was doing

Jade mentally sighed, she couldn't even begin to know what Dean was going through, this would affect his pride, insult his manhood, not to mention the same disappointment Jade felt every time the tests were negative

She looked at the clock and sighed, leaving the kitchen and going back up to see if she finally did something right

She rolled her eyes before she picked up the test and when she did, she did a double take

Two lines....
There were two lines!
Fuck! Two beautiful lines!!

She did the only thing appropriate, she clapped

She did the only thing appropriate, she clapped

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"DEAN!!!" she screamed running down the steps with the test in her hands

Dean turned startled before he caught an armful of Jade who was laughing as they both fell backwards, him landing on his back and Jade landing on his chest with a thud

He looked up at her

"We did it," she said, kissing him hard

"We did what?" He asked, still confused

"We did it, I'm pregnant!" She exclaimed happily, showing him the test, watching his face register the news

"Holy shit, really?!" He asked happily, picking himself and Jade up as she wrapped her legs around his waist, she was in tears

"This is incredible!" Dean said, spinning her around, he was in tears to.

"I'm so happy," she said, as he kissed her like it was his last chance

"I'm gonna call my parents," she said as he put her down

"I'll call our friends," he answered, both going to their friends, forgetting Dean's food was still cooking

They looked at each other, soaking wet as the smoke detector went off and then they looked at the blackened, sticking to the pot food

"We'll eat out, it's a celebration!" Jade said, kissing Dean

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