She Didn't Deserve This!

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Seth, Roman, Hunter, Steph and and Dean were at the hospital and they couldn't believe Jade wasn't so badly injured, she had sustained a concussion and a broken arm with 4 bruised ribs

The only problem, was she was in a coma and she looked very, very pale

Dean was escorted out of her room, when he started bawling and crying

"It's gonna be okay," Seth said, rubbing his back while squatting next to him

"It's all my fault!" Dean sobbed, repeatedly hitting his forehead

Seth grabbed his hand

"No it ain't, it's no one's fault bud," Seth said trying to talk some sense into Dean

"It's my fault!" Dean insisted

"If I didn't act like a goddamn asshole when she was trying to understand me, I argued with her, I'm the reason she's in there bruised and broken, me Seth, me." Dean said pointing to himself then his eyes widened

"I hurt her Seth, I hurt Jade," he said shocked then he began crying harder than before

Seth couldn't say anything after that. He was too surprised, so he just continued rubbing Dean's back while he cried

"She didn't deserve this," Dean kept repeating, in tears

Dean decided he couldn't go back to the hospital and see the love of his life possibly on her death bed, he couldn't do that, especially with his daughter constantly asking if mommy was gonna wake up soon, he replied with a "Yes, princess," as usual but he wasn't sure. It had been 3 weeks she was in a coma, if she didn't wake up by next month, the doctor said they'd pull the plug on her, Dean couldn't handle that, knowing the love of his life could possibly never wake up again and she was angry with him. He closed his eyes and brought the whiskey bottle to his lips, thanking god, Jade's sisters were on spring break and wanted to spend it with DJ.

How could he be strong for the both of them if he couldn't even he strong for himself?

He sighed and pinched his forehead, then he heard the door open, he was sure he locked it, but he didn't panic as Randy walked in, with a smile until he saw Dean

"Get out," Dean said quietly

Randy ruefully shook his head

"No, you get up and go to the damn hospital," Randy said, staying calm but Dean could hear his anger

"I don't wanna see her like that, she doesn't deserve this," Dean said, bringing the bottle back to his lips, only for it to be snatched from his grip

"Dude, what the fuck?" Dean asked, shocked at Randy's audacity

"You think she's not in that hospital room fighting for her life Dean?" Randy asked, anger full blown by this point

Dean didn't say anything, just listened as Randy went off

"Cuz newsflash bro, she is, and if she's willing to make the effort why can't you support her?" Randy asked angrily flailing his arms

"I know it's scary Dean, but think about her mom and dad, that's their kid, imagine how scared they are. And I know you're scared Dean, but you and DJ are the reason Jade is fighting to stay alive," Randy spoke

"Don't you understand that?" Randy asked, sadly

"I can't lose someone else Randy, especially not Jade." Dean said, looking away from Randy

"Look Dean, me and you haven't ever been the best of friends and you're justified." Randy began, then he sat down and looked straight at Dean

"I love Jade, Dean, and I'll always love her. And our relationship at one point, meant everything to her and now, you and her. Your relationship means the world and more to her, you have to go Dean," Randy spoke

Dean looked at him, Randy sighed

"Think about little Danielle. Jade is her mom! And in my life I know a mom is much more important than a wife Dean. You can get so many more wives Dean, you're young and handsome, but DJ can only have one mom. So, I beg of you, if you can't do this for yourself, please do this for DJ and Jade," Randy pleaded

Dean closed his eyes, remembering how he was smiling behind the camera, nearly splitting his face, when he watched Jade and Danielle play in the sand when they went for their first vacation

Dean closed his eyes, remembering how he was smiling behind the camera, nearly splitting his face, when he watched Jade and Danielle play in the sand when they went for their first vacation

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He remembered all the love in his heart when Jade and him would play with DJ. And all the adoration on DJ's face when she called out to Jade

He opened his eyes and looked at a hopeful Randy

"I'll do it," Dean said, nodding

"Yes!" Randy shouted, fist pumping the air

"Thanks for coming Randy, need a place to stay?" Dean asked, going to get a glass of water to sober up

Randy followed, smiling sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck

"I was hoping," he said

Dean laughed

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