I'm So Sick Of This Shit

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Jade smiled as she sat on the sofa reading a book, and Dean leaned down to kiss her

Jade got up and went for two beers in the kitchen, walking back into the living room and handing him one as she set hers down and piled the magazines on the coffee table neatly

"So, I didn't tell you yet," Dean began, running his finger on the rim of the beer

Jade looked up and furrowed her eyebrows

"I figured out a way to get Seth away from us," he elaborated, looking up as Jade smiled at his words

"I figured out a way to get Seth away from us," he elaborated, looking up as Jade smiled at his words

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"That's great babe," she said, continuing to do some mini cleaning

"Yeah, it's great, but there's a condition," he said

"You'd have to willingly kiss him," he said

Jade dropped the magazines that was in her hands and looked at him

"You're joking right?" She asked, smiling as she actually thought he was joking, but when he remained quiet, her smile dropped

"Oh, you're fucking kidding me!" She shouted as Dean flinched hearing her curse

Thank god DJ had gone to her daycare

"You always do shit like this!" She said, looking at him, beginning to walk into the kitchen

"Hey, I did it for us," he argued

"Oh like hell you did it for us? Okay, but did you even freaking think about how I would feel?" Jade asked

"Oh like hell you did it for us? Okay, but did you even freaking think about how I would feel?" Jade asked

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"Cuz you never do, and I'm so sick of this shit," she said

Dean grabbed her shoulders as she tried to pass him

"Don't touch me right now! Don't you dare touch me," she said, pushing his shoulders, making his back hit the wall

"You're so insensitive Dean, you're basically pushing me into Seth's arms, don't you care?" She asked, wildly flailing her arms in anger

"Goddammit," she hissed, looking angrily at a scolded Dean
"You're sleeping in the guestroom tonight," she said, walking up the steps

Dean would normally not worry, because she'd always crack and let him come back into their bedroom but she was so angry this time, she hardly ever cursed, so when she did, it was scary


Dean scrubbed his hand over his face as he jumped slightly when the bedroom door slam shut

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