Making It Up To Her

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"Danielle!" Dean shouted running down the stairs

"Yes dad?" DJ said, writing into her notebook

"Get dressed, I'm taking you out." Dean demanded

"Umm okay...but why?" DJ asked

"No questions child. Up, up, up!" Dean said smiling so wide DJ was actually scared

When DJ was dressed, Dean and her left and went to all the places that were her favourites when she was a kid. Including the beach, the mini golf course, McDonalds and everywhere else. DJ was actually enjoying this quality time with her dad, without the boys tagging along all the time

When they were on the way back to the car, DJ piped up

"I had so much fun today daddy," she admitted

Dean grinned. It was the first time in a long time that DJ had called him anything but 'dad'

"I did too princess, I'm so glad your mom talked to me about this," he said, obviously not phrasing his words right as the grin from DJ's face dropped instantly

"Wait-" she began, looking in disbelief at her father

"The only reason you brought me here today, to do all of this, is because mom told you to? I don't believe this." She scoffed

"So you never wanted to spend time with me?" She asked him, tears brimming her eyes

"DJ, no babe, you're over-reacting. Sweetie, of course I wanted to spend time with you, you're my daughter." Dean tried but DJ was having none of it and she walked into the house as it came into view. She ran past her mom, straight into her room

Jade huffed and folded her arms as she saw Dean rubbing the back of his neck nervously

"What did you do?" She asked dryly

After Dean finished explaining what had happened Jade could have reached over and throttled him

"You're gonna have to fix this babe," she advised, he nodded and leaned in for a kiss but Jade turned her head so he kissed her cheek

"Not until you fix this with DJ," she smirked and leaned close to him

"And maybe, I'll let you do whatever you want," she said with her hands on his hips, he grinned and hurriedly ran up the stairs to DJ's room

"Deej, can I come in babe?" Dean asked using two knuckles to knock on the door

"Yeah." He heard so he walked in

"Babe, I didn't want you to think I didn't want to spend time with you, truth is-you've always had your mom so I just thought you never really needed me. I've been gone alot since you were growing up and I was always ready but your mom did quite well, cuz you've grown into a fine young lady. I have no excuses. I'm sorry DJ I never knew you needed me now. I'm sorry I wasn't there." Dean apologized

DJ was crying by the time he was done

"I've always needed you daddy. And I always did. I miss you so much. But I'm equally to blame because I blamed you when I shouldn't have pushed you away. I'm sorry," she said, rushing into her father's arms abd he pressed her into his chest

"Don't cry, I love you sweetie," he pacified

"I love you too," she said through the tears

Jade was up in bed reading, when Dean walked in

"How'd it go?" She asked, adjusting her glasses as he flopped on her lap as he usually did

"Went real well. We forgave each other for everything we needed to apologize for. We're good now." He said, tracing patterns on her thigh

"That's great baby," she said, putting down the book and opting to play with his hair

"Hm," he hummed in satisfaction, he loved when she played with his hair

"I believe I was promised something," Dean said with a smirk, Jade chuckled and kissed him and the rest was inappropriate history

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