Strange Behavior

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Jade had been looking for a new van, she was beginning to feel claustrophobic in her camaro so she was opting for maybe, a range rover? It was her dream van

She was on her laptop looking for a good deal, when Dean walked into their bedroom

"Hey babe," he said, kissing her hair as he made his way to the bed and flopped down, putting on the TV

Jade looked at him and then back at her screen, since he didn't really do technology, they shared one laptop so she saw a notification for Dean's email

"Babe?" She called, squinting at the screen

"Hmm?" He asked, one arm bent behind his head, propped against the headboard

"Whose Sabrina MacIntyre?" She asked, his eyes widened

"Why?" He asked cautiously

"You got an email," she said

"Don't open it!" He screeched, diving over the bed and shutting the laptop

"Dean, what-" she began in disbelief

"Hey! Here's an idea, let's go for ice cream, me and you," he proposed with a strange smile

"Umm, okay," she replied, standing up

"Let me bring Bully inside and we'll go," she said, raising her eyebrow before she went downstairs

Dean quickly opened the laptop once he was sure she was downstairs

He quickly read and replied to the email before he deleted it again. Jade could not see this. It would ruin everything.

Dean sighed, he felt like he was in a cold sweat

"Ready?" Jade asked, out of nowhere, making Dean jump out of his skin

"Um, yeah, yeah, let's go, I love you," Dean said, quickly running out of the room

Jade gave him a strange look as he ran down the stairs

She walked back to the laptop, since Dean shut it before she could reply to Vince, her granddad's email

She saw Dean's inbox, he deleted the email?

Jade clicked her tongue and huhed

"Strange," she whispered before she shrugged it off and replied to Vince

Later, when they were back from the ice cream place with two tubs of Ben&Jerry's, they cuddled in the bed, watching Mad Max for the 20th time, since both of them loved it so much, when Dean's phone rang

Jade glanced at him as he stayed silent, looking at the screen, she saw the Sabrina's name again and looked away as Dean looked at her

"I have to take this," he said, detaching from her and walking into the hallway

Jade could hear his voice becoming distant and she huffed

Why was Dean being so secretive? And who was this Sabrina MacIntyre? 

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