What's Going On In That Beautiful Mind?

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Jade stood by the guerrilla with a solemn look. Lately she had been doubting her relationship with Dean, they had been together near 2 years and she was worried what the future would hold.

She didn't know how he viewed their relationship and she was mighty afraid.

And no, she wasn't hungry for a ring, but after James and Randy, she really didn't believe in love and shockingly, this guy with the stunning blue eyes came into her life, beginning as someone she hated. Now, she couldn't imagine being without him, she was confused and worried

What if one day, Dean decided she wasn't good enough? What if he moved on to the next best thing? She couldn't risk losing him.

She was so lost in thought, she didn't see him coming her way

When he stopped in front of her, then she realized he was there, with a tray of cookies?

When he stopped in front of her, then she realized he was there, with a tray of cookies?

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"Are you okay cupcake?" He asked sitting next to her

"What-?" She began, pointing to the cookies, he looked down at the cookies before he looked back at her

"Just got done with a promo with Seth, but are you okay?" He asked again

"I'm worried," she began

He tilted his head and put the tray down before he looked at her

"What's going on in that beautiful mind?" He asked dusting his hands on his jeans

She took a deep breath and explained everything that she was thinking

She watched his emotions go from curious to concerned to disbelieving to shock

She saw something flash in his eyes before hr smiled at her and wrapped a muscular arm around her shoulders, she dutifully rested her head on his shoulder and sighed

"First off, you are more than good enough, I love you like I love wrestling, maybe even more. Second, there is no one that's better than you cuz you're absolutely perfect and I love you for you, thirdly, I ain't going anywhere because I can't live without you and fourthly, one day, I'm gonna show everyone how much I love you. And I'm gonna show you how much I love you. You don't have to worry about me going anywhere, I wouldn't dream of it." He finished, kissing her forehead, making her smile

"Thanks Deano, I love you to," she replied, closing her eyes and remaining in her current position.

Dean smiled at her and thought back to what was buried in the pocket of his leather jacket back home, and that brought a smile to his face.

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