Oh My God.

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Dean walked into the bedroom, all decked out in his hiking gear and he walked over to the bed and smiled

Dean walked into the bedroom, all decked out in his hiking gear and he walked over to the bed and smiled

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"Cupcake?" He whispered with a smile and he lightly shook her

She didn't get up tho

He playfully rolled his eyes and shook her again

"Cupcake, baby, wake up," he sing-songed shaking her again

This time, he received a groan and she turned to face him, but she wasn't awake

He playfully rolled his eyes again and resorted to another plan.

He grinned and started kissing and licking all over her face

She began giggling and pushed his face away

"Move away bully," she squealed covering her face thinking it was their dog

"Cuppycake?" He asked smiling

He watched her peep out with one eye and then open both when she saw him

"Oh, morning love, time for the hike?" She asked him

He smiled wide and nodded, making his dry curls bounce

She grinned and softly pinched his chubby cheeks

"Gimme 10 minutes," she said, throwing her blanket off and heading to the bathroom to get ready while Dean dropped his shoulders happily and nodded, proudly before he stalked off to pack a backpack

-10 Minutes Later-

"I'm ready!" She called as the sound of her sneaker covered feet hit the carpeted steps on her way down

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"I'm ready!" She called as the sound of her sneaker covered feet hit the carpeted steps on her way down

Dean quickly panicked and shoved the thing into the pocket of his shorts

He smiled and she returned it

"Ready?" He asked putting 3 bottles of water into his backpack and held her smaller hand in his and they were off

They quickly made their way up the hill, both having professional experience with rock climbing

Jade ran a hand over her stomach that was now covered in sweat then she looked at Dean who was looking into the Vegas city

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