Back For You

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Jade sighed as she walked through the airport, she was finally back from Connecticut

This weekend had been hectic, she'd nearly cried her eyes out seeing Aurora look so weak, she couldn't handle her dad, he was constantly asking if she was still mad about the whole lying thing. And most of all, she missed Dean.
She sighed and honestly regretted opting to surprise Dean. She wanted to just go home and spend all her time with Bully and Dean. She bit her lip as her taxi pulled into the curb in front of her house.

She tipped the driver and got out she smiled as the cab raced down the road and she faced her house

She dialled Dean and waited

"Hey baby," she said when he answered

"There's a surprise for you outside," she told him

"Outside?" He asked confused, but she hung up and smiled, and saw him walk towards the door and pull it open, when his eyes caught hers, they widened

"Cupcake?!" He asked excitedly

Jade couldn't keep her excitement intact and instead dived into his arms, he twirled her on the front stoop making them look insane, before he brought her back down in a hug

"Baby," he whispered, holding her as she cuddled into his chest

"Baby," he whispered, holding her as she cuddled into his chest

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"I missed you so much," she whispered, honestly

"I missed you too," she pulled away, and his smile faded

"Umm, so I didn't know you were coming back so early, so I invited Seth and Roman," he said, nervously rubbing the back of his neck

"It's fine, I haven't seen my boys since the wedding, and even then we didn't really stop to talk," she said, grimacing

Jade walked into the living room, Dean following

"Hey guys," she said, seeing Roman watching a football game and Seth looking at his phone

"Hey guys," she said, seeing Roman watching a football game and Seth looking at his phone

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"Is no one seeing me?" She asked

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"Is no one seeing me?" She asked

Seth looked up the same time as Roman and grinned

"Hey, Ro, it's been so long since we saw our little sister," Seth said, looking at Roman

"Hey, Ro, it's been so long since we saw our little sister," Seth said, looking at Roman

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Roman smiled at Seth then looked at Jade and back to Seth and raised his coffee cup

Roman smiled at Seth then looked at Jade and back to Seth and raised his coffee cup

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Excuse you Rollins, I'm older than you," she snarked

She walked over and hugged Seth and then Roman

"What are you wearing?" She asked Roman, tugging on his suit

"I came from a radio interview," he said, Jade nodded

She put her bags on the side and smiled before taking a seat between Dean and Seth and Dean held her hands

An hour into the football match, she realized Seth hadn't looked up once. When the match went to commercial, she looked at him

"Seth, what's the score?" He asked, Seth looked up

"Umm, it's 4-7?" He asked, cringing, unsure

"No, it's 6-8," she replied

Seth glanced down when his phone beeped and he smiled

Jade yanked his phone and ran to the closet, locking the door behind her

She could hear Seth's noise of surprise and then protest and she could hear Dean and Roman's loud laughing

She read through all the text messages

"Jade, I swear to god, this isn't funny!" He said, angrily, pounding the door

"Jade!" He called

There was a minute of silence before Jade opened the door and stepped out

"Who's Sarah?" She asked, waving his phone with a smirk

Seth glanced at a smiling Jade, Dean and Roman before he sighed

"Sarah is a girl I met after me and Zahra broke up, we're together and, I'm really happy." He admitted

"Awwh, little brother is all grown up," Dean said, pinching his cheek

"Seems like just yesterday, we had to wipe his face after he ate," Roman replied him

"Leave him alone," she hissed at them, shutting them up

"Go." She said, pointing at the couch where the game had restarted

"Seth, don't bother with them, if Sarah makes you happy, then she's fine by me." Jade said, pulling his beanie playfully

"Thanks Jade," he replied hugging her, she responded to the hug

"So, can I have my phone back?" He asked, smiling hopefully

"Hmm? Oh no, you came here to spend time with Dean, Roman and me, you'll get this back when you're ready to leave," she said sashaying back to her reserved place on Dean's lap, he smiled up at her and wrapped an arm around her waist, while the other was arched and his fingers rested on his lips

Seth huffed in disagreement and joined them on the couch, arms crossed and expression, annoyed

Jade reached over and flicked his forehead

"Cheer up sourpuss," she said, making him smile

Jade grinned as Bully jumped on the couch near them and settled near Dean's lap and Jade's feet

She scratched his head and smiled, looking from Dean, to Bully, to Seth, to Roman

She smiled, glad she came back early, she missed all her boys.

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