Teaching Him

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Jade was cleaning around the house and walked into Dean's office area, they both had one in the house anyway

She sighed and emptied the waste paper bin before she looked at the desk and smiled, he had a picture of her on his desk

She grinned and shook her head before she dusted the shelves and hummed a One Direction song until she felt arms wrap around her waist and a nose nuzzle into her neck

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She grinned and shook her head before she dusted the shelves and hummed a One Direction song until she felt arms wrap around her waist and a nose nuzzle into her neck

She giggled and rested a hand against his cheek and he kissed her temple

"I should be able to help you clean," he insisted as he watched her dust

"You know," he whispered, pressing a kiss to her neck

"You should teach me to be able to help you out around the house," he continued

She smiled at how sweet he was and looked at him and took his hands and put it on hers that was holding a feather duster and thought him how to properly dust

She smiled as he tied a bandana around his head and began helping her do everything around the house

"Mommy! Mommy!" DJ called running upstairs in her new dress that her grandpa sent

"Awh, look how precious you look," Jade said, scooping her up

It was a knee length red and black polka dot dress with a white ribbon belt and she looked so cute in it

"Granpa and gramma visit?" She asked playing with her mom's hair

"Soon, sugar plum, soon," she said, kissing her forehead, before setting her down, not wanting her to be exposed to this dust too long, the phone rang and DJ took up a run to get it

She smiled as she ran out of the room and over to the phone downstairs

"Hello?" They heard her little voice answer from where they were

"Granpa, like dress very much, uh huh, it look pretty on me," she said, Jade and Dean could hear the smile on her face as she talked to Hunter

Later in the day, Jade had been sitting at the window, strumming her guitar while Dean fed DJ and put her on the couch to watch her cartoons

When he was sure she was fully engrossed in the show, he walked over and sat in front of Jade, blushing as she looked up and smiled at him

He then got a wild idea

"Can you teach me how to play?" He asked, looking as her nimble fingers ran over the length of the guitar

She looked up at him, and smiled smugly, before she scooted over so he could sit behind her and she sat between his legs, leaning her back against his chest, smiling as she felt his nose on her neck and his hands wrapped around to go over hers

She took her time to show him the basic cords and by the time they were done, he could play Sweet Caroline

As they lay in bed together, Dean turned to her with a smile

"You know you taught me alot today babe, thanks," he said

Jade grinned and went closer, laying on his chest

"No problem baby," she replied, eyes beginning to close

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