It's Okay Babe

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Jade jumped as she heard Dean's loud call from where she was at her computer 

"Yeah?" she asked, getting up and beginning to walk down the steps, she saw Dean decked out in a black skin tight jersey, blue jeans, ripped at the knees and black boots with his wallet in his hands 

"I'm leaving," he said

"Okay," she replied, going over to kiss him 

"Carry your leather jacket, you look way too fucking hot to go out with this alone, I don't feel like beating bimbos off of you tonight," she said, smirking as Dean gave her an amused look and replied to her kiss 

"I'll see you later, love you," he said, kissing her forehead and picking up her leather jacket 

"Love you too," she replied, he winked and walked out of the door  

She sighed and went back upstairs, she trusted Dean to walk down the street to the bar he was meeting Roman and Seth at 

She sat at her computer, putting back on her glasses and going back to her time sheets and pay sheets 

She knew Dean's week-long suspension was bothering him, Jade's dad knew that Dean was innocent, but just so everything had chance to blow over, Dean had been given a week suspension with no public viewings. Dean didn't mind that part, but he missed the ring. 

Jade was okay with Dean going to the bar, just as long as he didn't smoke, that was the only habit Dean had that Jade hated 

It was nearly 1am when Jade's phone rang with her annoyingly, loud ringtone, she hissed as she rolled from Dean's side of the bed to her side, when Dean wasn't here, she cuddled with his pillow, because it smelt like him. 

She cussed as she powered it on and the brightness made her squint. She immediately panicked when she saw who was calling 

"Roman, is everything okay?" she asked, panicked 

"Sup Jade, yeah um, everything's good, just me and Seth have a flight to catch 7am tomorrow and we need to leave and Dean's too drunk to walk home by himself, well we won't let him. Mind coming and getting him?" Roman asked 

Jade sighed and answered before she got up and slipped on some jeans and a white crop top, putting on some slippers and her jacket before she grabbed her keys and left, locking the house before she left, DJ had a sleepover with Jade's sisters today, so that was good. 

She didn't feel like walking there, in the midst of the night, so she started her camaro and got in, pulling into the road and yawning as she sped up in the empty road to see Seth and Roman holding Dean up as he drunkenly laughed 

She smiled lightly, and got out of her car and walked over to them, running her hand through her hair 

"Dean?" she questioned, lightly touching his face 

His blue eyes, dazedly looked at her and he smiled widely and threw himself into her arms, thank god she had a fast reaction time as she braced herself and him in her arms 

"Jade?! Baby, when'd you get here? I've been a good boy, I promise," is what she made out from his slurring as he drunkenly laughed again, she could smell the whiskey on him 

"You got him from here Jay?" Seth asked, looking at her as Roman helped Dean into the car 

"Yeah, he's safe, I'll see you guys later, have a safe flight," she replied, hugging both of them and getting into the car, buckling Dean in and then getting into her side

They were nearly home when Dean began speaking 

"You're dad told me that I beat the living daylights out of the pap, but-but how could I have beat the living daylights out of him if I punched him at night?" Dean asked like he was so confused 

Jade hid a chuckle as she pulled into their driveway, she got out and locked the gate and then went back to the car to see Dean fiddling with the loose strings on the knee of his jeans and smiling like he was a little boy 

She carefully helped him through the door and by now, Dean was practically clinging to her, his arms were tightly wrapped around her waist and he was looking down at the hard wood floor 

"Jade," he whispered, Jade looked down at him in confusion 

"Jade, the floor is moving," he said incredulously, his blue eyes widening 

"Baby, the floor isn't moving, you are," she replied, smiling fondly at him 

"The room's spinning," he commented, smiling hazily 

"Look at all the pretty colours," he said, looking at the walls as they passed them 

Jade helped him stumble into the room, thanking god she benches 330 pounds otherwise, she wouldn't have been able to support her and Dean's weight since he was basically dead weight in her arms, he kicked off his shoes and looked at her 

She unbuckled his belt, going onto her knees to pull down his jeans 

"Baby, you look so good when you're on your knees in front of me, taking my clothes off," he panted, with a smirk, looking down at where Jade was 

She shook her head fondly, a drunk Dean was a flirty and a touchy Dean. Very sexual Dean too, if she must say so 

She left him in his boxers and took off his jacket and his jersey, leaving him shirtless, she guided him to the bed and left him to lie down, while she stripped and put back on her pajamas, feeling Dean's tired blue eyes on her movements 

She went and lay with him, laying on her usual spot on his chest as his arm, dutifully wrapped around her shoulders, holding her close 

After a few minutes of silence

"Babe," she heard Dean call

"Hmm?" she made a noise of acknowledgement 

"I'm sorry for getting so drunk," he replied, beginning to show signs of sobering up 

Jade smiled, he was apologizing even though he did nothing right. God, she loved this man. 

"It's okay babe," she replied, patting his pec, she felt a kiss being pressed to the top of her head

"Love you," he said, she smiled as her eyes remained closed 

"Love you too," she replied, kissing where she could reach on his chest 

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