Slammy Awards

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(No hate because this chapter is completely legit. No favoritism was shown. All votes were counted. And taken into consideration.)

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Slammy Awards," The host, Jerry 'The King' said as the promo played

"I've seen some of the winners and it ain't really surprising, so let's begin shall we?" He asked

"The first category is Fan Participation, here are the nominees!"

The video played and it came back to Jerry

"And the winner, of Fan Participation goes to-" Jerry paused

"Burn It Down!" Was screamed through the arena

"Seth Rollins!" Jerry announced though the fans already knew who won just by the theme song

"Burn It Down! Burn It Down! Burn It Down!" The fans chanted as Seth thanked them for voting for them

"Now over the years, tag teams have been dominant in the WWE, DX, Four Horseman, Usos, but, this next award, is the award for Tag Team of the Year, and the nominees are-"

The video played and then it went back to Jerry

"And the slammy for Tag Team of the Year goes to, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose!" Jerry said, clapping as their new theme song played and they both walked out, smiling with Seth having his tag team championship and Dean having his and his WWE championship over his shoulders as they both made their speeches
"Congratulations to those two young men, alrighty, the next award is Hashtag of the Year, and the nominees are-" the clip played

"And the winner, collecting his first solitary award tonight, The Lunatic Fringe, Dean Ambrose, #AmbroseAsylum!" Jerry cheered, making a hashtag with his fingers

Jerry cleared out as Kalisto had a match with Curtis Axel, with Kalisto winning via pinfall

Then Renee Young came on to present the next 3 awards

"Ladies and gentlemen, the next award of the night is tributed to King Booker! It's the 'Tell Me You Didn't Just Say That,' Insult of the Year and the nominees are-"

"Seth Rollins calls Chris Jericho 'Sparkle Crotch," she announced smiling

Seth laughed as he walked out and accepted his award, telling his fans that they were the reason for everything.

"The next award is Rivalry of the Year, and the nominees for the award are-"

"And the winner is, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins vs Sheamus and Cesaro," Renee announced smiling

Sheamus and Cesaro walked out, doing their whole entrance and making their speech

"The next award of the night is the modern age taking over, and the nominees for Best WWE Network Original Series" she said, watching up as they played the nominees

"And the winner is, Ride Along!" She said, Stephanie McMahon's music played and she came out, accepting the award

Renee walked off the stage as Sami Zayn came out for his match against Mike 'Kanellis' When it was over, Mike had cheated, Maria coming for the distraction

Jade walked out since she was the presenter of the next 3 awards

"This next award is made for the sneakiest, most conniving superstars WWE made, it's the slammy for Double Cross of the Year, and the nominees are-" Jade paused watching the screen

"And the winner is, John Cena turns heel and teams with Randy Orton!" She announced, grinning as John's music played and he walked out, Jade hugged him and he made his speech, even though he was heel, his speech was motivational

"This next award is Extreme Moment of the Year, and the nominees are,"

"And the winners, are the kings of extreme, the award goes to Jeff and Matt, The Hardy Boyz for powerbombing Randy Orton through the Hell In A Cell," she said, passing the award to Matt as they walked out to accept it

"The next award, is actually a tie for Breakout Star of the Year, your nominees were-"

"And to decide the winner of this award, there'll be a match, tonight's main event, Bobby Roode vs Shinsuke Nakamura, we'll see then." Jade said winking, leaving the stage

The next match was Roman Reigns vs Braun Strowman, Samoa Joe interfered so the match was disqualified

Corey Graves walked out and went to the podium

"LOL! Moment of the Year is the funniest compilation you'll see from our superstars," He began

"The nominees are-"

"And the winner for LOL! Moment of the Year goes to, Dean Ambrose for his 'Ballers Brand' promo,"

Jade mentally cheered as he walked out to accept the award

"Wait right there Dean, because you've also won Superstar of the Year, congratulations!" Corey said, handing him the two awards

Dean thanked all the fans and then walked backstage

"And the award for The Hero In All of Us, for all her charity work and make a wish foundation work, and her stellar work with the Troops, Jade Ambrose!" Corey introduced 

Jade smiled and accepted her award thanking all the fans and talking about how charity was close to her heart

"Surprise Return of the Year nominees are-"

"And the winner is Jade Ambrose, and stick around Jade because you're also Female Superstar of the Year," Corey said, smiling as she was handed her two awards

She smiled and raised them, smiling.

Corey left the stage as the next match, Shinsuke and Bobby began

Shinsuke won the match, therefore he won Breakout Star of the Year

"Match of the Year goes to Jade and Alexa," Michael announced 

Alexa walked out to collect the award, she made her speech and everything and left

"And we're gonna have another two awards going to Jade Ambrose and Dean Ambrose for couple of the Year and Cutest WWE kid,"

Jade and Dean walked out while a picture of DJ was shown on the monitor

Jade and Dean walked out while a picture of DJ was shown on the monitor

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And Jade and Dean shared a kiss

"Last award, OMG! Moment of the Year goes to Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose reunion" Seth joined Dean and then the slammy awards were over

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