Revenge Is A Dish Best Served With A KO

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Jade had been waiting backstage until she got her cue

She was representing Carmella tonight, wearing a pair of Carmella's new underwear line

Her music *Boss* started and she walked out, grinning

She made her entrance and smirked getting a mic

"What up Rochester?" She said hyping the crowd, everyone screamed and she smiled

"There's been so much speculation about what's gonna happen when Brock Lesnar returns and with all the threats he's been making not only to me, but my loved ones, people are wondering if I'm gonna accept his challenge," she paused

"No, I'm not gonna accept his challenge, I've spoken to my dad and he agreed that whoever were in for the ride can take a beating or two. To be very honest, when I signed the contract to get back in the ring, I told my dad, I said I will not step into this ring if it isn't on my terms, and I will not let anyone, ANYONE force my hand, especially Brock Lesnar, he does not have that power. And I will not give him what he wants so Brock Lesnar, try again," she said with a smirk

His music began but he didn't come out, instead

His music began but he didn't come out, instead

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"Jade, helloooo, up here," Paul taunted

Jade scowled and looked at him, making her displeasure known

Jade scowled and looked at him, making her displeasure known

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"Mr. Heyman, I would say it's a pleasure but its really not," she smartly said

"Why don't you keep your breath to speak to the doctors, ask your mom if she liked the little gift we left for her in your dad's office," he smirked

"Why don't you keep your breath to speak to the doctors, ask your mom if she liked the little gift we left for her in your dad's office," he smirked

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"See if you can piece what happens next," he said

Jade growled

"Heyman you sonuvabitch, what did you do?!" She shouted

Heyman began laughing

"Well Jade, if you leave now you'll probably catch them loading daddy dearest into the ambulance, good luck," he played then the feed cut

Jade threw down the mic, quickly exited the ring and began running up the ramp

She made it all the way backstage and heard some commotion so she guessed that's where he was
And she was right

She made it all the way backstage and heard some commotion so she guessed that's where he was And she was right

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"Daddy, oh my god, are you okay?" She asked pushing past people who crowded

"I'm fine baby girl, promise me something," he spoke, his eyes dazed

"Anything." She replied

"Promise me you won't go after Lesnar?" He asked

She bit her lip and crossed her fingers

"Promise," she replied as Stephanie climbed into the ambulance

"Good," he said before they pushed him fully into the ambulance and shut the doors

Jade sighed and then growled before she told them to play her music when she realized Brock and Heyman were in the ring and she walked out with a stern look on her face

"Did you like our surprise?" Paul taunted

"Shut your freaking mouth you oversized bald rat, I didn't come out here to smell your bad breath, you," she said pointing at Lesnar

"I don't know where you get off putting your grubby mits on my father but I'm not allowing it nor will I let you get away with it," she spoke, fire in her eyes

"So does that mean you accept my client's challenge?" Paul said excitedly

She sarcastically laughed

"I said nothing about me accepting anything, however I am feeling like a little bit of payback," she said with a smirk while Brock looked confused before a big hand forcefully turned him around and...

"I said nothing about me accepting anything, however I am feeling like a little bit of payback," she said with a smirk while Brock looked confused before a big hand forcefully turned him around and

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Big Show KO'ed him and as he fell to the mat, Jade chuckled then walked over as Show kept an eye on Heyman

"Keep your oversized dumpster hands away from my family we don't want your diseases," she said then dropped the mic on his chest, making him oomph, she hi-fived the Big Show and walked away with a satisfied smirk on her face

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