Showing To The World

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Earlier tonight, Jade and Randy had done a promo where Randy had told Jade he had so much love for her, he was willing to just be her friend.

Now, Dean was in the ring cutting a promo to Randy while Jade was waiting for her que.

"And suddenly the president of the baby oil association, wants my place as WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Not only that, he also wants my girlfriend, Jade Helmsley," he paused

"But since there's a fat chance of that happening, Jade c'mon out here baby," Dean called

Bo$$ started playing and she walked out with a smile, doing her trademark spin at the top of the ramp before she began walking

Bo$$ started playing and she walked out with a smile, doing her trademark spin at the top of the ramp before she began walking

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She smiled when she caught sight of the look on Dean's face as he watched her walk down the ramp

She smiled when she caught sight of the look on Dean's face as he watched her walk down the ramp

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"There she is, c'mon babe," he said opening the ropes for her

She climbed in and kissed him before standing next to him

"Now that you're here, we can call out the other third and really get this party started," Dean said with a grin

"So, Orton! Get your ass out here!" He shouted and "Voices" began playing and there came a slow walking Viper

Randy slid into the ring taking a mic and standing next to Jade, leaving her in the middle

"So Randy, I've heard you love my girl enough to just stay friends with her, is that true?" Dean asked

Randy looked around

"Yes." He replied

"Okay. So that means you like Jade on a strictly platonic level now?"

"Yes." Randy replied

"So, you wanna hang out with Jade, braid her hair, go shopping for drapes with Jade?" Dean joked

Randy looked at Jade and she smiled at Dean

"I mean what kinda warm-blooded American man watches a hot woman and says he just wants to be 'friends'?" Dean teased

"And look at this specimen of a woman, she's got amazing legs, long and tanned and toned, broad hips, thin waist, ample chest, kissable neck, a face crafted by angels, blonde honey hair, let's not start on that behind wee doggies!" Dean said fanning himself

"I mean, look at her! She's a complete package, she's got the brains, the personality, the body, the face, the hair, everything a man could want, and you stand in front of her and say you just wanna be friends?" Dean asked weirdly

"I don't know bout you guys but he seems kinda queer to me," Dean joked scratching his head

"No matter." Dean said throwing down his mic and hitting Randy with Dirty Deeds.

Dean's music began playing and he stood up bringing Jade to his chest and kissing her above the fallen body of Randy Orton.

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