I'm Protecting My Daughter

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Triple H came running down the ramp with his sledgehammer, slid in the ring and began his onslaught, throwing the sledgehammer at Paul Heyman then flipped him over the ring rope.

Then he ducked a clothesline from Brock and then hit a spinebuster, Brock rolled out of the ring and stumbled to Paul Heyman 

Hunter looked at his daughter and went over and hugged her

"What's wrong with you?" Paul said

"You attacked my beast, without a reason!" He screamed

"I was protecting my daughter!" H shouted back

"You just made the biggest mistake of your life." Paul laughed

H looked at Jade then back to Paul and Brock

"You messed with my daughter, my family, my flesh and blood! So I only have one thing to say. Bring. The. Pain." Triple H said pelting the mic at Brock before he brought his daughter to his chest and kissed her hair as King of Kings played through the speaker

"You okay?" He whispered, she nodded and they slid out of the ring smirking as they walked

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