I Don't Care Anymore.

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Jade was just rambling to Dean about any and every thing she could think off and Dean just sat there with a smile, admiring her

She finally caught on that she was rambling and stopped when she saw the look on Dean's face

She finally caught on that she was rambling and stopped when she saw the look on Dean's face

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He looked at her and looked like he was amazed

"Sorry," she apologized

He looked at her with a more serious expression now

He looked at her with a more serious expression now

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"For what?" He asked

"Rambling," she replied

He shook his head negatively

"Don't be, its so cute how you don't even realize when you do it," he said smiling

She grinned at him

"I swear to go I'm too damn attached to you," she said

He laughed

"You're not," he replied

"Dude, c'mon, I literally hold your hand on the couch," she replied with a laugh

He got up from his seat and sat down next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders

"Baby, I'm your boyfriend/fiancé, that's what I'm supposed to do and if you're clingy, then I'm a goddamn leech cuz I hook onto you everywhere," he said with a laugh, putting his legs up on her lap as well as wrapping both arms around her neck making her smile and kiss him fondly

So later in the night, Dean had another promo with Jade's dad and this one hinted a little closer to their upcoming match

So her dad was in the ring again with his pompous demeanor which was so unlike who he really was

"And it just seems like the street trash just won't learn. By being with my daughter, he's challenging me, you don't do this, he can't benefit my daughter," he said before Dean pacing showed on the tron

 By being with my daughter, he's challenging me, you don't do this, he can't benefit my daughter," he said before Dean pacing showed on the tron

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Then Jade ran up to him

"Babe," she began

"What the hell is this? Huh? What the hell? You told me you were gonna talk to him." Dean said angrily looking at Jade

"I did." She insisted

"So what is this? Who the hell does he think he is?! How dare he?!" Dean screamed as he continued pacing

He suddenly stopped and flung himself around toward Jade

"I'm going out there." He said flatly

Jade's eyes widened and she began shaking her head

"I need to! I can't sit quietly and listen to him berate this relationship, I love you and he has no right to say anything about this relationship, I'm going out there," Dean said picking up his leather jacket and walking away, leaving Jade scared

"I need to! I can't sit quietly and listen to him berate this relationship, I love you and he has no right to say anything about this relationship, I'm going out there," Dean said picking up his leather jacket and walking away, leaving Jade scared

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"You see what I mean, no respect." Triple H said before Dean's music began

Dean made his entrance and stood in front of Triple H

"I'm so ready to shut you up for good. I don't care if you're my future father in law. I don't care if you're my girl's dad. I don't care if you're my future kids' grandad. I don't care." Dean said angrily looking at Triple H

" Dean said angrily looking at Triple H

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"I don't care about any of that. You wanna come out here and spit bs about respect, that's fine, I don't care." He paused, shrugging

Then he got even closer

"But, what I do care about, is that when you come out here to waste everybody's time, you talk about what's your business, and plain talk, bad manners, my relationship with your daughter Harley Jade Levesque, is none of your damn business." Dean said

Jade could hear his Cincinnati drawl coming into play

"But hey, if you wanna make it your business, face me in a match." He said making the crowd cheer

"So if you wanna see Dean Ambrose vs Triple H-" he didn't get to finish because the crowd started an uproar

"Lemme finish, if you wanna see Dean Ambrose vs Triple H for the WWE Championship," he said and then the fans went into uproar

Triple H looked around

"And then we'll see which side Jade is on," Dean elaborated

"Done," Triple H agreed, dropping the mic and leaving the ring, raising his championship all the way.

Dean smirked and climbed the turnbuckle, raising his hands

Author's Note


C'mon. 5 part series coming at 15K. C'mon!! 💖🎉

You can do ittt!!! 👏👏👏💕


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