Interviews Lead To Lunches?

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Jade sighed as she looked through the pictures on her phone

Jade sighed as she looked through the pictures on her phone

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She put the phone down and sighed

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She put the phone down and sighed

How could something like this tear two best friends apart? It doesn't seem plausible. Nikki was like a sister to her. She and Jade had been friends since Nikki was in developmental. And now, because their men had a disagreement, her and her best friend, were at each other's throats.

She got a reminder that she needed to get ready for her interview with SiriusXM and she needed to do it with... Nikki Bella
Jade groaned as she scrolled down and saw her co-star's name, she sighed and let her head fall against the table, but it didn't hit the table, it hit a hand, she looked up and saw Dean giving her a confused, but amused look

 Nikki Bella Jade groaned as she scrolled down and saw her co-star's name, she sighed and let her head fall against the table, but it didn't hit the table, it hit a hand, she looked up and saw Dean giving her a confused, but amused look

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"Why are you trying to dent my house?" Dean asked, smiling, while moving his hand

"Sorry," Jade said, getting up and walking to the fridge

"Babe," he sighed

"I have to do an interview today, with Nikki, and I'm nervous," she told him

"Why? It's not like she's a stranger or some big name exec, she's just Nikki, the most that could happen is some tension," Dean said

"And it makes me so goddamn angry that this whole thing is eating you up like this," Dean said

"And it makes me so goddamn angry that this whole thing is eating you up like this," Dean said

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Jade wrapped her arms around Dean's neck, while his went around her waist with a smile

"I know, it won't be so bad," Jade said, burying her face in Dean's neck, while he patted her waist

"Are you gonna be okay looking after Deej for an hour or two?" She asked him

He always looked after DJ but this time DJ was sick and very fussy so Jade was worried

"Yeah Jay, don't worry, we'll be okay, go get ready," Dean said, kissing her cheek before he lightly tapped her ass and she chuckled and left him with a cup of coffee and a baseball game

She checked that DJ was still asleep and then showered and begun getting ready

When she was done, she checked on DJ once more, but she wasn't there

"Deej, c'mon princess, take your medicine," she heard from downstairs

She chuckled in time to see Dean with a spoon of pink medicine, holding it to a sour-faced DJ who had her arms crossed

"C'mon DJ, drink up," Dean coaxed but DJ simply tightened her arms, and stubbornly turned away from Dean who huffed

"Come on Dani, drink your medicine lovie," Jade said, giving DJ a forehead kiss

DJ grinned and opened her mouth and Dean quickly put the medicine in her mouth and she made a face as she swallowed it

"Good girl," Jade said, giving DJ a cookie for her good behavior

Jade kissed Dean and made her way to where her interview was being held

She grinned as they snapped pictures of her on the backdrop

"Ladies and gentlemen, at this time we're taking a break from the red carpet and stepping into the squared circle with two of the best divas in the business, joining me today, Fearless Nikki Bella and WWE Princess, Jade Ambrose," Rebecca said

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"Ladies and gentlemen, at this time we're taking a break from the red carpet and stepping into the squared circle with two of the best divas in the business, joining me today, Fearless Nikki Bella and WWE Princess, Jade Ambrose," Rebecca said

They all smiled

"We won't keep you ladies long, but our sources tell us you two are quite close," Rebecca asked

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"We won't keep you ladies long, but our sources tell us you two are quite close," Rebecca asked

Jade mentally cringed

"We're best friends," Nikki answered and Jade had to avoid looking shocked

"And Jade, you made your in ring return a few weeks ago, what do you expect out of that?"

"To be a 10x WWE Women's Champion," Jade said simply

The interview went by rather quickly and now it was time for the pair picture

Jade held her smile and stood close to Nikki

"Thanks to these two incredibly beautiful and talented young ladies, next up, we follow Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis,"

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"Thanks to these two incredibly beautiful and talented young ladies, next up, we follow Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis,"

Jade turned to leave before Nikki grabbed her before she could

"Can we meet for lunch?" Nikki asked

Jade was shocked, she hesitated then nodded

"Okay," she replied, after they sorted out the details, Nikki hugged her and left

Jade shook off her shock and went back home to see both Dean and DJ passed out on the couch, both wearing a princess tiara, she smiled at what a softie Dean was

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