What The Fuck Is Wrong With You?

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@wwe She's back to claim her division💪👑 #Princess @JadeWWE

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@wwe She's back to claim her division💪👑 #Princess @JadeWWE

Jade had loosed her bun and was waiting backstage for Dean to finish his match with Sheamus

She saw Seth in the other end of the room, waiting for his interview, he looked over, and she smiled at him

She saw Seth in the other end of the room, waiting for his interview, he looked over, and she smiled at him

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He saw her and returned her smile, with a grin

Same time, Dean's music began playing and Jade went to the guerrilla to meet him

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Same time, Dean's music began playing and Jade went to the guerrilla to meet him

"Hi baby," she said, smiling as he walked backstage, panting

He leaned in and pecked her lips

"Hey," he replied, smiling down at her

"I really need a shower," Dean complained, rubbing his shoulder

"I really need a shower," Dean complained, rubbing his shoulder

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"I'll say," Jade replied, jokingly scrunching her nose

Dean gave her a look and a light tap on her ass as he began his journey to the locker room

"Don't be rude," he called, walking down the hallway

Jade's laughter followed him

She was on her way to meet him, when Seth stopped her

"Jade, can we talk?" He asked, looking sad, Jade tilted her head and nodded to him, following him as he walked down the corridor

"What's wrong?" Jade asked, concerned as she saw the look on Seth's face

He hesitated and Jade grew more concerned as he opened his mouth but didn't say anything

"Seth, what's wrong? You know you can tell me anything," Jade said, Seth looked at her and nodded

"So what's up?" She asked, Seth sighed and looked anywhere but at her

"I know this is sudden Jade," Seth began, she nodded, not seeing where this was going

Seth grabbed her face in his hands and pressed his lips hard against hers, she froze while his lips moved against her still ones, she finally caught on and pushed him off

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Jade hissed, wiping her lips

"Seth? What the fuck man?!" Dean asked, looking at both Seth and Jade shocked

"That's my wife man," Dean said, beginning to walk towards him, but he didn't back down

"But I'm in love with her, I've always been. It's not the first time we've kissed either," Seth said smugly

Jade looked at Dean who was staring daggers at Seth and she began to explain but Dean looked at her and shook his head, gently taking her hand and pulling her away from Seth and to his locker-room, and the drive to the airport, the flight and the drive home, was spent in eerie silence

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