Motherly Advice

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Stephanie smiled as Jade raised her head and looked at her



"Is it okay if I call you mom?" Jade asked sheepishly

Stephanie smiled a watery smile and tangled her hand in Jade's hair

"I would love nothing more," Stephanie smiled

Jade smiled back and then it fell

"Can I tell you something?" Jade asked

Stephanie nodded

"Dean Ambrose," Jade said trying to keep the smile off of her face

"You like him?" Stephanie asked

"I don't know..." Jade said

"I mean he's cute, sweet, sensitive, confident, hot and a helluva kisser." Jade said smiling

"Babe, do what feels right," Stephanie said

"I know whatever you choose to do will be the right thing." Stephanie entrusted

Jade nodded and smiled

She then got up and began setting the 2 beds for Vaughn and Stephanie

Stephanie looked at Jade

"I'm so sorry for all the hurt I caused you." Stephanie apologized

Jade negatively shook her head

"S'okay, goodnight." Jade said smiling and walking into her own room

She couldn't sleep. There were 2 men on her mind

One was her dad
The other was Dean freakin Ambrose

Why did he have to haunt her dreams to?

Little did she know, he was having the same problem in his hotel room

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