The Truth...Maybe?

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Jade had heard her dad was asking for her and was a little nervous. What could he possibly want?

So she decided to face him, she knocked on his door and walked in

"Hey," she said

He froze and took a second before he composed himself

"Hey," he replied leaning back on his chair

"Heard you're looking for me," she said

"I wanted to talk to you about when you're a kid," he said folding his arms on the table

"I really don't wanna-"

"Just hear me out, then if you still hate me, you're free to leave," he said

She nodded and crossed her long, toned legs

"When you were born, I was just deciding what to do in life and yeah, it was scary for a 19 year old with strict parents to have a I called your grandma and told her I'd be back for my daughter and I'll provide everything she needs," he paused
"She agreed with the condition I'd never be able to meet you." He said beginning to get choked up

"I knew I'd never be welcome in that house, so I sent Shawn and Mark whenever I missed you, which was alot, then I heard about your mom passing and I held you at the funeral and I savoured it because I knew I may not ever get to hold you again," he said

Jade felt her heart break

"I always wrote you letters and sent birthday gifts and toys and I never got a reply, and then you had ranted to Shawn that you hated me, and after that I didn't stop trying, because I didn't want you to hate me," he paused to bitterly chuckle

"But, the exact same thing happened," he said lowering his head

"I sent you cards and so many times I had wanted to be there, so many times I wanted to hear your voice in person instead of through Shawn or Mark's phone, but I knew, if I showed up at that house, your grandmother would have my head on a stick,"

"I just never wanted to lose you, I was naive, thinking that if I left you and came back for you, you'd forgive me, but I was so dumb, because now you resent me more than ever." He said

Jade kept her mouth closed, opting to just listen

"But, you're my daughter, I'd always loved you, and I always will, I just want to make this right," his voice faded off in Jade's mind as she began thinking

Letters? What letters?

She snapped back when he spoke again

"Is there anything I can do to make it up to you," he asked looking at her

She pursed her lips and stood up

"I need some time off," she said then walked out off the office, leaving her father disappointed and frustrated.

But she needed to go home and check her dad's alibi. Maybe this was the push she needed to forgive him...

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