A Love So Strong

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It was the last day that Jade would be on life support, she had been making progress, but all of a sudden, she had flat lined.

Dean had spent hours in the hospital, he had dark bags under his eyes, he felt tired and his head hurt like crazy, he hadn't allowed anyone to tell DJ about Jade, deciding if something bad was to happen, he didn't want DJ to be traumatized, he couldn't get the sight of the crashed car out of his mind

Dean had spent hours in the hospital, he had dark bags under his eyes, he felt tired and his head hurt like crazy, he hadn't allowed anyone to tell DJ about Jade, deciding if something bad was to happen, he didn't want DJ to be traumatized, he cou...

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The doctor had told him off the impending restrictions of Jade's injuries, all of them were already healed, but she was still in a coma and that's what scared Dean

So during the last hour, Dean sat by her bed and just talked as though she wasn't on her death bed

"And you remember when we talked about growing old together? In Vegas and DJ's graduation? I guess god just is ready for an angel to come back home," Dean said, chuckling bitterly

"I don't know what I'm gonna tell DJ," Dean said, beginning his fourth session of crying

"I can't believe this is happening to us, we were supposed to be forever!" He cried, getting a grip on himself

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"I can't believe this is happening to us, we were supposed to be forever!" He cried, getting a grip on himself

"Please Jade, please baby girl, you gotta wake up, I, I can't do this by myself, I can't do it without you," he begged, resting his head against her hospital bed 

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"Please Jade, please baby girl, you gotta wake up, I, I can't do this by myself, I can't do it without you," he begged, resting his head against her hospital bed 

"DJ needs you, I need you," he said, shakily breathing

"Please, please don't leave me," he said, grabbing her hand in his and holding onto it for dear life

Meanwhile in Jade's mind, she was in a dark realm, floating around, when a bright light flooded her vision, making her squint

"Are you ready to come home Harley?" a loud, deep voice asked
She gasped

"No, no I can't," she said

"What do you mean you can't?" The voice asked

"It's your time," the voice elaborated

"No!" Jade shouted

"I was born a fighter, so if I'm gonna die, so be it, but not before I fight. I'm fighting for my daughter, I'm fighting for my husband," Jade said stubbornly, struggling to open her eyes

It went real dark then real bright again, when Jade whispered one word that was enough to end a war

"Dean," she whispered, as her eyes opened and began adjusting

Dean paused and froze, slowly raising his head, happy tears flooding his eyes as he hugged her close to him

When the doctor came in, he looked surprised to see Jade awake, and holding hands with Dean

"Wow, now that's a miracle if I've ever seen one," the doctor said, smiling widely

Dean and Jade smiled at each other

"Never have I ever seen a love strong enough to withstand a car accident and a coma, he never left your side since he got here, you're a lucky girl Mrs. Ambrose," the doctor said, ticking his chart

"I know," Jade said, bringing Dean's knuckles to her lips, while their hands were still tangled

"Now, everything has healed except that arm, we'll take the cast off tomorrow but sorry Mr. Ambrose, visiting hours are up, please come back tomorrow when she's all rested," he said, taking his leave

Dean wished her a goodbye and walked out, thanking god, he didn't lose 1/2 of the constants in his life, he couldn't wait to tell DJ that her mommy was awake.

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