Drunk In Love

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When Dean reached to the hotel, people were giving him looks but he didn't care. When he got to the room, he didn't wanna wake her up because she looked so peaceful snuggled up against him

He laid her down on his bed since she didn't have her room key, he assumed since she went with Nikki

He loosed her braid and watched her hair tumble down her shoulders, next he took off her boots and her jacket. She woke up near 10 minutes after

"Hi." She said as she saw Dean dripping wet, standing in a towel

"Hey," he replied getting some clothes from the drawer

"I'll be right back," he told her and he walked back into the bathroom

He was true to his word fore 4 minutes later, he walked back out in a only a pair of tight blue boxers

He looked at her

"Well since your a bit sobered up, you crash here and I'm gonna crash on the couch, I'll see yah," he said grabbing a pillow and a sheet and preparing to walk away when a hand shot out and grabbed his much bigger one

"Wait Dean, can you lay with me please, please stay," she pleaded though if she was sober she would never beg anybody to do anything

Dean hesitated for a moment before he caught sight of her big brown puppy dog eyes and he melted and sat down with her

Damn, she was worse than Seth, referring to how he melted 2 minutes faster for Jade's puppy eyes than he did for Seth's

Jade smiled when Dean sat beside her

"Lay down kiddo," Dean said adoringly

Jade lay down on the side he had placed her on and Dean lay on his side. He wanted so badly to wrap his arms around her and let her listen to his heartbeat but he didn't know how far he could teeter before she deemed it crossing the line. So he let it be

He gazed at Jade from time to time and caught himself smiling as she stared at the ceiling then suddenly she rolled on her side to face him, she looked up at him and then carefully laid her head on his chest, he was shocked but he slowly wrapped his arm around her waist and smiled

He then felt her take his free hand and join the fingers on her hand with the fingers on his hand and rested the joined hands on top his torso

"Dean," she said looking up at him

He craned his neck and looked down at where she lay on his chest

She smiled sheepishly at him

"I love you." She said quietly as her eyes closed and her breath evened signalling she was asleep

Dean's entire body froze and his heart stopped, his body just could not respond

Did she really just say that?

He then mentally did a fangirl scream in his mind and then his heart started beating again

She warmed his poor little broken heart. She made him whole again

He rubbed her shoulder softly and slowly

"I love you too." He replied even though he knew she wouldn't hear him

He then let his body relax and his eyes closed and with a smile on his face, he fell asleep

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