Runaway Blondie

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Jade walked down the hallway in the hotel and smiling, came to a stop in front of Dean who was leaning against her room door and smiling

She folded her arms

"Mr. Ambrose, may I help you?" She asked business like

He raised his eyebrows and smiled, pushing himself off the door and cornering Jade against the other wall, making her smirk and relax as his two hands trapped her as his palms were placed flat against the wall beside her head

"I believe we didn't get to finish what I started." He said smirking before he leaned in. She smiled and tilted her head. Just as their lips were about to touch....

"Jadey boo." A small voice called making Jade turn her head and see Vaughn. Jade ducked under Dean's arms and went over to her sister as Dean's lips made contact with the wall and he pulled hastily away and wiped his lips before looking at where Jade stood with Vaughn. He mentally cursed before he walked over to them

"Vaughn, how'd you get here love?" Jade asked stooping to her level

"David dropped me." She said referring to their driver

"Okay, but why babe?" She asked

"I ran away. Mom yelled at me and then daddy yelled at me. Now no one's talking to me." Vaughn said, tears flooding her eyes

Jade tsked and brought her in for a hug, smiling hard at Dean as an apology cuz their moment was always ruined 

"Let's get you inside," Jade said picking up Vaughn and walking towards her room before her eyes caught a sullen Dean. She smiled and opened the door for Vaughn and pushed her in, gently before she closed the door and pushed Dean against the wall by his hips 

"Hey," she said biting her lip, a movement followed by Dean's eyes 

"Hey," he replied smirking 

"One day, we'll get it right, but for now," She said looking up and down the hallway and smiled before she leaned in and pressed her lips to Dean's cheek 

His eyes closed and he was all smiles. When she pulled back, she grinned at him until his eyes opened 

"Good night Mr. Ambrose," she said before she walked into the hotel room and closed the door behind her

Dean looked at the closed door and smiled before he touched his cheek and shook his head, he walked to his hotel room, the smile never leaving his face

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