This Was A Mistake

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When Jade finally got to the quietness of her office, she felt sick to her stomach. She held on to the ends of her desk and kicked off her heels and sat on her desk

Next thing she knew, the door cracked against the wall as Randal Keith Orton walked in and over to her 

"Whatdya want Randy?" She asked not in the mood to deal with this shit right now 

"I saw the move you pulled in that ring, impressive, I wonder whose move that was," he teased 

Jade rolled her eyes 

"Okay, look, I'm just kidding around, it was really good, Jade, you know I love you right?" Randy asked 

Jade quickly looked away, she didn't answer him and avoided all eye contact 

"Well I do, and you can't say you don't love me too," Randy said

Jade still didn't answer nor did she look at him and because of the hesitation, Randy had a satisfied smile on his face 

Jade still didn't answer nor did she look at him and because of the hesitation, Randy had a satisfied smile on his face 

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"Jade, tell me you don't love me," He requested and when she didn't reply, he was up against her on the desk 

"Jade baby, look at me," And when she didn't, he gently took her chin between his index finger and his thumb and tugged her head to face him

"Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me, tell me that you feel absolutely nothing for me," he said 

She looked into those blue eyes that she fell in love with and then to those lips she had kissed so many times in the past 

"I can't lie to you," she said

Randy grinned and tilted her head up a bit more and then he removed his fingers from her chin and he stared her straight in her eyes while he slid off his wedding ring, Jade's eyes following the movement and he laid it on the table then he pulled off his shirt and Jade saw her initials on his forearm and she swallowed deeply 

He took advantage of her shock and tipped her head so that her lips met his

She hit against his shoulders before his tongue slid into her mouth and her hand moulded to his shoulders

She wrapped her legs around his waist like she had done a thousand times before and felt him smile against her lips as their heads moved in different directions but in sync.

They ended up on the couch with Jade on Randy's lap, Jade's hand rubbed the back of Randy's neck and his hands found her ribs as he deepened the kiss. He smiled into the kiss as he stood up again in the middle of the room, Jade's arms wrapped around his neck and his hands clasped on her hips as she tiptoed cuz he had about 5 inches on her.

She was a good 6'0, 115 pounds

As she was kissing Randy, Dean's smile slid into her mind and she felt her heart break and she pushed Randy back

"This was a mistake," she said wiping her lips

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