It's Insane That I Love You So Much

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Jade smiled as Dean put his cigarette between his teeth and stirred the pot.

Jade never felt so in love in her entire life

This man, who she trusted with her entire life. This man was who she wanted to be the father of her children, the man she wanted to be her husband and the man she wanted to grow old with.

She watched as he started shaking his hips to the rhythm that played from the radio

She bit her lip and grinned, he turned around and watched her with a shy smile

"You're staring cupcake," he complained with a sweet blush

She apologized and he turned back to the pot to flip the pancake

She continued watching and smiled behind her hand when be began singing the lyrics to "Sweet Carolina,"

She smiled and leaned her chin on her palm and grinned lovingly

"May you one day carry me home,up here in the city feels like things are closing in, the sunsets just my light bulb burning out, I miss Kentucky and I miss my family," he sang

She wrapped her arms around his waist though he was slightly taller than her and she kissed between his shoulder blades,he shuddered and his pores raised

"You know something baby?" She said resting her cheek against her back

"Hmm?" He asked sprinkling some black pepper into the eggs

"I love you so damn much," she replied and kissed the back of his neck, he grinned and shook his head

"I love you so much too cupcake," he replied, taking off the stove and turning back in her arms to wrap his arms around her shoulders and his chin rested lightly on her head and he kissed it

"Cupcake, let go, let me plate our food and we'll cuddle on the lanai okay?" He proposed, she nodded and went out to wait for him

She sat down and began thinking
"Here we are love," he said putting her plate on the foot table in front of her

"Thank you," she said kissing his cheek when he sat beside her

He smiled weirdly at her and looked at her

"What's going on cupcake? Why are you so attached, it is adorable, but you're never like this, is everything okay?" He asked putting a piece of Bacon in his mouth

"I'm scared," she said looking away from him and he tried hard not to choke

"What? Why?" He said putting his plate down and turning to her a frown and a concerned look

"It's scary to know that I love you so much," she said looking at him with a glassy look

"Is it such a bad thing?" He asked, looking scared

"No baby, absolutely not, it's just through all my life, I never thought I'd love somebody or be so attached and dependent on somebody, it's scary," she replied to him

He nodded with a smile

"It is scary, but you have to know how much I love you and that nobody's ever gonna change that or take your place and you also have to know that I know what you and Nikki spoke about and yeah, definitely without a doubt yes, one day, I'm gonna marry you, I'm gonna put a ring on your finger and make you Mrs. Ambrose and I'll always belong to you, cuz I freaking love you and I really don't want you having doubts as to where we stand in this relationship because the only thing that will ever change is your name." Dean said sweetly

Jade looked at him with tears in her eyes and pressed her lips against his, basking in the moment that this man that she was kissing, was everything she wanted and more.


Another Chapter Done!


It Lets Me Know That You're Enjoying My Book. I Do It All For You Loves💜👑


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