Back To My Love

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When Seth picked Jade up, he was really jumpy and quaking. While on the way to the hospital, Jade received a call from Roman, saying that Dean was back home
Jade hurried to her apartment after Roman called her and said that the doctors sent Dean home with minor dehydration and right now, Jade wanted to kill him.

She was always on his ass about staying healthy and he had been going to the gym without carrying water and would roll his eyes when Jade reminded him. Constantly saying

"I'm a big boy, I can handle myself," in a sarcastic way

Jade burst into the hotel room and saw Dean refusing the hydration pills Roman was trying to feed him

Jade rolled her eyes and walked up to him

"You asshole," she began

He just looked at her

"I know, you told me, you warned me, I didn't listen and then I made you come early from your trip, I'm sorry babe," Dean said reaching his arms out

Jade was trying really hard to keep up her anger but seeing his arms out and the sweet, apologetic smile on his face, she knew she couldn't stay mad at him and she allowed herself to lay in his arms

"I love you but if you ever scare me like that again, I'm gonna murder you." She said grabbing him and planting a kiss on him

"Noted." He replied

"I'm sorry o had to leave the girls alone in Napa but I'm glad to come back to my love," she said wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing his temple while he closed his eyes and smiled

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